Google Warns Against SEMRush’s Paid Guest Blogging

Google Warns Against SEMRush’s Paid Guest Blogging

SEMRush, a very popular SEO toolset, came under Google’s watchful eyes recently for their paid guest blogging service. Before going on to that, let us briefly look at what guest blogging is and its relevance in search engine optimization and reputation building. Guest posts are one of the best ways to improve brand visibility and it also helps you build quality links and deliver your message...

Why Coronavirus Could Change Your SEO Perspective

Why Coronavirus Could Change Your SEO Perspective

Covid-19 coronavirus has affected various aspects of life, and much of the future is still uncertain. Healthcare SEO is among those affected. Almost no industry is left untouched with the slowdown that the pandemic has brought about …

Google+ to Fully Shut Down by April 2019

Google+ to Fully Shut Down by April 2019

Not that this would have much of an impact on digital marketing, but Google+ is finally shutting down. It never really took off among consumers, though businesses were maintaining accounts to reach out to other businesses…