Redesign Of Google Search Using MUM Algorithm

Redesign Of Google Search Using MUM Algorithm

Google is now getting ready to improve users’ search experiences. Google’s search results page is introducing novel ways to get more relevant information for certain searches. The search engine giant recently announced that its Search will be redesigned in integration with MUM algorithm. In the coming months, it is expected that the search experience for some searches will be more visual than ever.

Google is using AI to make the world’s information more accessible. Every improvement Google makes aims at providing more relevant and helpful results.

So, what is MUM algorithm?

MUM or Multitask Unified Model is an algorithm introduced by Google, earlier in 2021. This new search algorithm can search across languages and with images to find answers to complex questions. This AI technology helps in answering complex questions that don’t have direct answers. It introduces an entirely different way of presenting answers, particularly with images.

According to Google, people issue at least eight queries on average to get answers for complex queries. MUM solves even difficult queries by using multiple forms of content, including images and text content in multiple languages. By integrating MUM with Search, Google’s getting closer to helping visitors even with complex answers.

For instance,


This is an example of a complex question that Google has mentioned in its blog. When it comes to “prepare” to hike Mt. Fuji, it could include many things like fitness training as well as finding the right gear. For this context, Google explains that “Since MUM can surface insights based on its deep knowledge of the world, it could highlight that while both mountains are roughly the same elevation, fall is the rainy season on Mt. Fuji so you might need a waterproof jacket. MUM could also surface helpful subtopics for deeper exploration – like the top-rated gear or best training exercises – with pointers to helpful articles, videos and images from across the web. “

Is BERT and MUM the same?

Similar to BERT, MUM is also built on transformer architecture. However, MUM is 1000 times more powerful than BERT. Key features that make MUM different from BERT are –

  • It is trained in 75 different languages
  • It is built to perform multiple tasks at the same time
  • It is multimodal, and offers results in the form of text, images, videos, or audio

MUM breaks down the boundaries in Search by transferring knowledge across languages. For instance, if the content is in Chinese language, MUM could transfer knowledge from sources across languages, and use those insights to find the most relevant results in the preferred language. Being multimodal, MUM can understand information from different formats like web pages, pictures and more, simultaneously.

Here’s how image search works.

image search

Things will be so advanced in the near future that you can choose an image and ask Google a relevant query related to the image. Then MUM would understand the image and connect it with your question and then point to a blog with a list of suggested stuff.

By integrating Google MUM, Google search engine introduces three new features such as

  • Things to know
  • Topic zoom, and
  • Visually browsable search results

The first feature “things to know” provides information about the ways or paths users consider exploring a topic. Based on this information, MUM offers the most relevant content that relates to the topic, even before users conduct follow-up searches.

things to know
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The second feature, “Topic Zoom” allows searchers to connect to related topics by broadening the topic or zooming into a more granular sub-topic.

The third and attractive feature, “Visual Exploration” will let users visually explore related topics and results. However, this new feature will not show up for all searches and is restricted to searchers with inspiration as the user intent.

So, get ready to search with images too, instead of just text.

Google said that they use learning from their latest research to make sure Search keeps running as efficiently as possible. MUM also helps Google understand all of the different ways people naturally communicate and consume information.

I feel that Google MUM is just like our MOM, has answers for any complex questions we’ve!

To optimize your business content accordingly, consider getting professional content writing services from an experienced SEO outsourcing company.

What Are The SEO Mistakes To Avoid In 2022?

What Are The SEO Mistakes To Avoid In 2022?

While almost every business owner or marketer knows what SEO is, many have their own concepts and ideas of getting to the top of the search engine ranking pages (SERPs) and gaining maximum visibility and traffic for their website and social media pages. Reliable digital marketing companies obviously focus on organic SEO services. But many marketers do follow techniques that don’t do much good, or are even dangerous, bordering on illegality. Are you following one of these strategies? Let us take a look:

You may be surprised that some of these techniques are still being followed. One of these is keyword stuffing.

Obnoxious Keyword Stuffing

We all know about keywords that are important for search engine algorithms to crawl your website to detect what your content is about. In the initial years of SEO, it wasn’t hard to find websites with a keyword in almost every other sentence. It was thought that the denser the keyword appearances are in web content, the easier it would be for the search engines to track the content and rank it higher for the appropriate keywords, as the example below shows:

keyword stuffing

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But this practice disrupted the user experience terribly and Google soon condemned the practice. It’s now a black hat technique called keyword stuffing. Surprisingly, there are still web pages employing this practice.

Google’s algorithms are no longer as simple as they used to be. With natural language processing, Google’s crawlers are more tuned to understand the intent behind user search queries. As a result, stuffing keywords just won’t work because Google can sense what users really are looking for when they are typing something in the search box. And users certainly aren’t looking for their search phrase plastered all over the content of a web page!

Link Stuffing

On the topic of stuffing, we move to link stuffing. Links to authoritative sites are considered to be great for building reputation for your blog posts and articles, which eventually results in higher rankings. That’s right, but in the early days people thought they could stuff links just to raise authority. It’s just absurd that people still consider this to be worth doing. Any linking beyond the ratio of one link for every 125 words would welcome a penalty from Google. And, linking to external websites should only be done once in a post.

Buying Links

Links are valuable for sure, but they were considered so valuable that webmasters were buying links. It needn’t necessarily be directly paying for a directory link. It could also be acquiring a slot for a blog post to add links. The practice apparently still continues, but websites doing that would soon attract a penalty from Google. Links need to be genuine as a means to connect readers to content that is relevant and more informative. Artificially acquiring links goes against Google’s principles since the search rankings are for users to genuinely get the best and most appropriate information. You can’t look to buy links to get to the top of the SERPs.

Content Duplication

Duplicated content is another bad SEO practice. You would think that people wouldn’t be so stupid to copy content from other sites. But this usually happens when you want to submit content to various sites. Software such as article spinners are used to take content from a website and jumble the words. You can then take that content to republish it somewhere else and get links to your site. This can easily be detected by users and the search engine crawlers though.

content duplication

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It can also be done inadvertently. Content duplication can also happen within your website, between the different pages. That would affect your page authority, which gets diluted between those various pages. Unless you perform a site audit, you wouldn’t know the presence of duplicated content in your site. As the image above shows, content duplication is common for e-commerce websites with product descriptions that are similar in many of the pages of a site.

Spamming Comments to a Blog Post or YouTube Video

You would have seen this in the comments to your favorite YouTube video or Facebook post – someone markets some product or service with a link or promotes some offer. It really disrupts your experience that would have been great till that point. It also reflects badly on that post or video uploader though it isn’t their fault.

spamming comments

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There were services that would post such comments for multiple posts, up to 100 each day.

Blogging platforms such as WordPress automatically nofollow such links, which gives indication to search engines not to assign authority to those links. Your blogs or websites could be prey to such links. If so, WordPress has a plugin, Disqus, to filter them automatically. Disqus blocks accounts that place spam links. YouTube provides the option of marking a comment as spam. Then you can head to YouTube Studio and approve or remove comments from the “Held for review” tab in the Comments section. You can also hide the users who post such comments.

SEO Mistakes

Though these techniques are now frowned upon, you see websites still following these practices. Now that you’ve got the list, make sure 2022 is a year where your web pages and blog posts present valuable and relevant information in a user-friendly interface on quick loading pages that are easily navigable. That’s the first and the most important step in getting Google’s algorithms to track your content faster and rank your website higher for the appropriate keywords. A reputable SEO outsourcing company can help you get to that goal.

Creating An Impact Using Instagram For Home Builders And Remodelers

Creating An Impact Using Instagram For Home Builders And Remodelers

Are you running a small home building/construction business or company and looking for innovative strategies to improve your social media presence? The construction industry is a highly competitive field. Digital marketing for small business via social media is a challenging task and involves the huge responsibility of keeping clients happy and engaged. While some home builders provide a wide range of services, there are others that offer very specific services. With every passing year, the role of social media in digital marketing is getting bigger. The growth of social media platforms at an unprecedented rate has enabled home builders and remodelers to more easily and efficiently promote their brand and services, improve visibility, and engage with potential customers. Choosing a specific social media platform and merging all the digital marketing tools will yield good results. Instagram’s exceedingly visual interface has taken the social media marketplace by storm since its launch in 2010.

With more than 1 billion users, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world and has emerged as the second most popular app after Facebook. According to Instagram’s User Survey, 60 percent of people stated they discover new products on Instagram, and more than 200 million Instagram users stated that they visit at least one business profile daily. It is for this reason that having an Instagram account is vital for building material manufacturers. According to a Sprout Social Infographics, 33 percent Instagram users fall in the 30-49 years age bracket, which is the primary target group for construction firms.

Having an Instagram account is vital for home builders, especially if their target audience are architects, who are constantly seeking inspiring images from conception to construction. Here discussed are some important tips on how a home building and remodeling company can use the Instagram platform to seek the attention of target audiences and stand out from the competitors –

  • Complete Instagram Business Profile – If your home building company has an Instagram profile, then convert it into a business account first. If you are setting up an Instagram profile for the first time, then it is better to sign up for a business profile directly. Make sure to optimize or complete the business profile by adding a proper bio and links. Fill out the name and contact details so that your account is visible and search friendly. Ensure your Instagram username is simple without convoluted symbols and write your official business name again in the profile name section. Consider using the word ‘contractors’ in the name section rather than ‘construction contractors.’ Restrict the bio section to a clear description of what your business is about. Make sure you are using a business account, and make it simple for people to click on your contact details.
  • Create Visually Appealing Content – Instagram being a photo-sharing social media platform, it is extremely important to share visually-appealing content. Instagram allows users to create albums and attach up to 10 images and videos per album, whether it is related to the progression of a project from beginning to end, the steps in a construction process, or end of the week roundup posts. Invest in a professional photographer to establish your company’s brand identity and feature products/projects in the best light. Instagram grid is extremely important and if the grid is not organized, people will not be inclined to follow your company account. Never ever post pixilated, blurry, or random photos that don’t highlight a company product. Another important factor is to focus on the color palette. Create a distinct style by selecting a color palette for the photos that relate to the materials and products.
  • Include Multiple Photos in a Single Post – Maintaining a variety of photos or images in one single post in crucial as no one likes to view a row of photos that look really similar. On the other hand, posting a detailed portfolio of one project or a series of images showing the progression of a building can bring quality results.
  • Focus on Video Content – Videos can help illustrate a more human side of a construction brand – right from taking the followers behind-the-scenes to filming the team working in the factory. Time lapses and sped-up videos of construction sites are great ways to rake in views. Drone videos are becoming very popular on construction sites. In addition to sharing video content as posts, Instagram supports live video in stories. Include a tour of office or a walk-through for a new project. Also, videos showing precision or symmetry are notorious for going viral.
  • Use Hashtags in a Smart Way – Hashtags are an effective way to expose a brand to a new group of audience who care about the niche area of the company. Hashtags can be an effective way to expose your brand to new audiences that care about your business niche. For instance, if a construction company wants their content to reach people who are interested in wooden products and sustainability, they could add the hashtags #Wood and #EcoFriendly to their posts. By creating unique hashtags, they are helping people find their posts more easily. However, never overuse these hashtags. Instagram allows nearly 30 hashtags with a post. Try not to add more than 11 hashtags with one post, as they could look like spam. Also, create a branded hashtag that is unique to the specific area of business. This could include company name, the details of your old and ongoing projects or the motto that identifies a specific construction brand. For instance, Ghilotti Construction Company located in Northern California, US – uses a lot of hashtags with their posts that are clickable and searchable. People who search for related hashtags such as #happynewyear #construction or #california, can see their posts with these hashtags.

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  • Make Use of Stories – Instagram stories are a wonderful way to showcase what’s going on. The Stories featured on Instagram is a key component to engage the target audience. It is estimated that users tend to engage almost 40 percent more with Instagram Stories than they do with feed posts. Stories allow audiences to get a 15-second or less peek into what a construction business or company is doing. These posts only last in Stories for 24 hours, but can be added to highlights for eternal viewing. The story feature allows audiences to quickly and easily interact with the content as well as expose the content to new audiences. Reports suggest that users spend thrice the time watching live video on social media than a prerecorded one. There are several Story stickers that can be used to communicate with the audience. Make sure to always add location when you want your story to be seen locally. Creating stories helps a home building company to establish a thread of consistency by creating their own branded quote template and use it to post a quote each week. Construction companies can “go live” and convey their message using video. Hosting live Q&A sessions is a great way to answer followers in real time.
  • Go Behind the Scenes – Focus on posts that make the clients and followers understand that there is more to the business than just constructing or making money. Behind–the–scenes videos humanize the company Instagram account and explain the “people” side of the construction brand. Just because you are into a serious business, it does not mean that the images posted should always be serious and professional. Try to share images or videos of construction workers and crew on job sites, show the planning involved in projects, and include individuals who are usually not featured on company social media accounts, like the janitor or receptionist. Adding a fun side is also a great idea to show even contractors have a sense of humor.

    behind scenes
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  • Give Sneak-Peaks – No matter how high the quality of content is, failure to stick to a posting schedule will hinder a company’s growth. Alternate posts between showcasing the big picture vision of the company, past and future projects, entertaining video content and the human element of the individuals behind the company. Generally, most people tend to follow a construction company account because they want updates about the construction business or have worked with the company in the past. Each month, take some time to outline new developments, product launches, new services, industry events, newsworthy issues or seasonal trends and target posts accordingly. For example, consider your company is working on building a pool for a house in an upscale locality with great views of the city. Take a picture close to sunset so that people can have a unique view. In fact, these kinds of posts can make the followers feel elite, as they are getting to see sneak peeks that others are not.

Building an active Instagram profile for home builders or remodelers will help connect with the current and potential client base. Creating visual images is one of the top benefits of Instagram because it helps to communicate with others quickly. Consider the above-mentioned tips when designing your Instagram profile and generate local traffic for your construction business. A professional digital marketing services company could help implement the right strategies to enhance your construction website’s visibility to the right audience group.

Why Healthcare Data Management Is Challenging And How Outsourcing Can Help

Why Healthcare Data Management Is Challenging And How Outsourcing Can Help

The healthcare industry is ever striving to deliver optimum patient care with efficient healthcare data management. With huge volumes of patient data flowing in, healthcare organizations need efficient ways to store and make use of this data. A highly reliable data management system is vital to harness the data and ensure better access. So, to optimize the use of data and enhance the operational performance, healthcare organizations can outsource data management to database development companies that can assist with quick database and application development and offer a tested software product to meet your specific requirements.

Importance of Healthcare Data Management System

Data management in healthcare refers to a methodical organization of data in a digital format that helps you to analyze and integrate medical data efficiently. Healthcare data serves doctors, patients, insurance providers etc. and this data is scattered across many sources.

  • Electronic Health Records
  • Clinical and claims systems
  • HR and financial applications
  • Third-party sources

A lot of information is gathered from many such sources, and without a proper data management system it is difficult to decipher the information and utilize it effectively. It helps to standardize and organize data into a unified integration platform for better access to data. Easy and ready access to data means better patient care.

Healthcare data management allows you to extract valuable insights that can improve medical outcomes and protect patient data while ensuring HIPAA compliance.

Challenges of Healthcare Data Management

Due to complexities in data, the nature of the system, and the data they produce, the healthcare industry faces many challenges in data management which are as follows:

  • Being HIPAA Compliant: Poor handling of healthcare data can lead to poor patient care. Patient data is highly sensitive and to ensure its safety and confidentiality, healthcare organizations should be HIPAA compliant. However, this has become a challenge for providers. As systems become old and are replaced with new technologies, healthcare data managers find it difficult to handle data. For example, hospital information system (HIS) managers who are used to operating a closed-network system, are unfamiliar with implementing shared data access and security protocols using technologies such as cloud computing. This can lead to data breach and the cost of data breach in healthcare industry is much higher than any other industries.database development companies
  • Poor Integration between Clinical and Administration Systems: Within a healthcare organization, there is always a gap between patient care and administration. The medical information entered should reflect on the insurance claims and patient billing. Discrepancies are often seen due to lack of proper integration between both the systems. But with a good data management system, all the data can be stored safely and tracked for administrative as well as clinical purposes.
  • Data Silos: There are many departments in a hospital or healthcare unit and typically, each department develops their own system for processing data. These departments often store information in a central database in different formats like spreadsheets, scanned paper documents, MRI scan results and so on. Data in these formats need to be well managed, avoiding data duplications and inconsistencies, and this is a common challenge that most of the organizations face. One way to resolve such issues is by using a single database with multiple interfaces that can serve each department’s needs.
  • Frequent change in Data: Patient data and their medical reports keep changing frequently. Patient data such as name, address, patient conditions etc are modified or physicians may recommend some changes in treatment. If the changes in data are not updated in a timely manner, it can result in incomplete or inaccurate data. The state of a patient’s health also keeps changing over the years and there will be changes in their test report or medications or treatment plan. Therefore, there must be a constant review of data management methods to improve the quality of care and treatment outcomes.
  • Mobile Computing: With patient data getting digitized, physicians and other healthcare providers now use computer tablets and handheld data entry systems to scribble an to make entries in the medical charts. Although this improves efficiency, access to patient data using these devices can compromise the safety of data. Therefore, Hospital Information System (HIS) managers must provide secure wireless access through the healthcare organization with proper bandwidth to support the rising use of handheld devices. Healthcare organizations should develop and implement new security systems and compliance protocols for healthcare physicians who want to use their own mobile computing computing
  • Patient Data Sharing: Having a centralized location for storing patient data is an effective practice that makes sharing of data safe and secure. But sharing patient data with external healthcare providers becomes difficult even with EHR systems. Even though EHR is a standardized way of storing patient data, external health providers, pharmacies and others may use different systems and protocols. This makes sharing complete medical records and integrating different medical data management systems difficult. This is an ongoing challenge in healthcare data management.database development services
  • Operational Analytics: Healthcare data including EHR data is an essential part of measuring operational efficiency, and healthcare workforce management is measured using patient care and healthcare data. Hospital Information System (HIS) managers are looking for various strategies to extract data that can be used to study productivity and profitability. Such analysis is required to identify profit centers and areas of practice that need to be properly scrutinized and revised.
  • Lack of Analytics Talent: Unlike other industries, there is considerable dearth of analytics experts in the healthcare sector. There is scarcity of data scientists in the market, especially someone with healthcare background who can use big data analytics to assess healthcare database development
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  • Data Growth: Healthcare organizations are all getting digitized to improve efficiency and workflow, but digitization comes with rapid increase in the volume of data generated daily in all departments. While one can manage data created and stored as text in databases and images stored in compressible image files with relative ease, managing other unstructured data is not as convenient.

From the above-mentioned challenges data management is difficult in the healthcare sector. For healthcare professionals, having accurate and efficient database application is essential to ensure that the patient data and other reports such as health conditions, treatments administered, tests and scans conducted, and other updated data gets circulated and is easily accessible to the concerned physicians. This can be achieved by outsourcing to reliable database development companies. With the use of high-tech platforms and software developers, we provide customized database management that is user friendly and HIPAA-compliant; we also ensure safety of data.

How To Increase Engagement With Facebook Video Marketing

How To Increase Engagement With Facebook Video Marketing

A video is an excellent tool for marketing your products and services. There are different platforms available for video marketing like YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Among these, Facebook is one of the most popular channels. Facebook has grown far beyond its initial purpose of networking to an excellent platform for brands to engage with their prospective customers. Facebook video marketing is widely used by businesses to attract more customers and drive sales. Videos allow customers to have a clear idea about your products and services, and it is an opportunity for you to build trust with them. So, if you want your business to attract more targeted audience, consider getting assistance from organic SEO companies that can help you with video marketing.

Video marketing via Facebook helps to convey the right message to your audience. There are different types of video content like live videos, tutorial videos, information videos, etc. The most important factor is to create engaging Facebook videos that can immediately attract your audience’s attention.

Here are some useful tips for video marketing on Facebook for better engagement with potential customers:

    • Never Waste Too Much Time In The Beginning: Do not create lengthy Facebook videos with a long-drawn-out introduction. Focus on creating short videos with compelling visuals. Some of the ideas to create compelling visuals are:
      • Include powerful and captivating thumbnail images
      • Add a nice teaser sentence that gives a clue about what the video is about, like an informative marketing


    • Make Use Of Captions: It is not possible to find out how many users watch videos on Facebook with the sound on. However, Facebook now auto plays videos on mobile with sound. But this setting can be disabled, and videos can be played without sound if the user’s phone is in silent mode.With captions, users can understand the video better. According to a study by, CTA clicks fell by approximately 26% when captions were not used. Adding captions to the video increases the chances getting more users because captions make it easier to understand the video.


    • Pick The Right Name: Use a description title for your video that captures the attention of the target audience and can be easily searched by them. Make sure to optimize your title with targeted keywords to improve your visibility.right name


    • Include Call To Action (CTA): Including CTA gives a clear direction to Facebook users regarding what you want them to do. It acts like a straightforward guide and promotes higher click-through rates. The right places to put CTA are inside of the post copy, at the end of the video with text overlay, through the video.


    • Describe Your Content To Your Users: Use Facebook posts to describe the content of your video so that you can convince your users to watch the video. Devoting some time to watch the video is a huge commitment for some people. So, use your Facebook profile to post a brief summary of your video content and this may spark the target customers’ interest and increase the chances of getting more views.content users


    • Shape Is Important: When you edit your videos, make sure to focus on utilizing square or landscape videos. Square videos tend to get more engagements, views and more reach on mobiles. Remember that most of the Facebook users use mobile devices. So square shape is ideal for your videos.


    • Keep It Simple: Facebook users always look for quick and easy-to-understand content. So, do not waste too much time and money on making the video complex. Focus on creating easily digestible and shareable content. Videos that are simple and easy to understand are likely to get more engagement.


    • Tag Others When Required: If any other individual or brands have helped you with creating videos for Facebook and if you want others to see them, then you can tag them in your post. You can tag someone by typing “@” before the person or title of the page that you wish to tag.


    • Post Directly On Facebook: Posting videos directly to Facebook helps in better ranking in the News Feed. If you have a YouTube video that you want to share on Facebook, it is best to post the video directly on YouTube instead of copying the link and pasting it on facebook


    • Go Live: Google algorithm favors live videos because live videos hold the user’s interest for a longer period of time. They also bring an increased number of users to that page’s content. Brands that get in front of the audience in a direct way increases relatability and trust.


    • Make Use Of Insights: Facebook offers insights such as average watch time, total minutes watched, etc. This provides valuable insights into which videos users find the most engaging, and it also helps in planning future social video strategies.insights


    • Use Facebook Stories: Like Instagram, Facebook can also post 15-second videos as stories that will automatically disappear after 24 hours, if they are organic Facebook stories. Facebook Stories ads are also 15-seconds but do not disappear within a day. Facebook stories are engaging and majority of the users are likely to view them. Around 62% of people have said that they have a greater interest in a product or brand after viewing a Facebook story.


    • Choose The Correct Video Format: The right format for Facebook videos is Mp4 or MOV format even though they support other types of video format. MP4 tends to also be the best format for Facebook video ads.


  • Use Facebook 360 Videos: These videos are created using cameras that can record 360 degree of a particular scene. It allows the users to view the video in 360-degree angle just by moving a finger. These videos can be Monoscopic or Steroscopic.

The world is very competitive and fast-paced, and getting the attention of your targeted audience is difficult. So, you need to look for the most effective way to promote your business. Facebook video marketing is one such method. Seek the assistance of digital marketing outsourcing companies that can help create powerful videos for Facebook for marketing your products and services.