Our Top 10 Blog Posts In 2021

by | Published on Dec 27, 2021 | News

Search engine optimization (SEO), the crux of digital marketing, continues to evolve. Google’s algorithmic updates aimed at improving the search experience are one of the main challenges to SEO. The year 2021 saw some major Google algorithm updates including the page experience update, E-A-T principles and the MUM update. As a search engine optimization company serving a wide variety of industries, we keep track of these changes and their potential impact.

Our 2021 blog posts covered various topics ranging from link building strategies and content marketing to software development tools, law firm marketing services, healthcare marketing trends, and more.

10 Blog Posts in 2021

    1. 8 Best Software Development Tools You Should Know in 2021software development toolsThe demand for software development tools is increasing. Software tools help create, edit, maintain, support and debug applications and frameworks. Developers have a long list of software development tools to choose from to meet the growing demand for software development. Being familiar with such tools help develop current, feature-rich projects.
    2. 7 Actionable SEO Link Building Strategies for 2021link buildingLink building is an effective, evergreen SEO strategy that plays a key role in driving quality referral traffic, enhancing domain authority, and organic ranking. This blog discusses 7 most effective SEO link building strategies to improve your search engine rankings and reach the right audience. With strong links, Google can find new pages on your website faster and you could benefit from targeted referral traffic.

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  1. April Marketing Ideas for Your Content Calendarapril marketing ideasEach month comes with certain holidays or national days that might be related to your business in one or the other way. Smart companies make use of these opportunities to promote their business. Professional SEO companies help businesses prepare a content calendar ahead of time based on a month’s awareness events and holidays. This blog discusses marketing ideas for holidays and national days celebrated in April.
  2. How White Label Link Building Services Impact SEO – Points to Considerlabel link buildingWhite label SEO link building is a practical way for websites to build links and increase the domain authority. It is through backlinks that search engines pay attention to the authority and relevancy of a website. Professional SEO companies offer quality white label link building services to help improve website visibility and ensure client satisfaction. This blog also discusses key factors to analyze when choosing an SEO agency for white-label SEO link building.
  3. 9 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Content for a WebsitecontentQuality content drives search engine results and boosts page traffic. Creating informative and unique content and optimizing it with both on-page and off-page SEO techniques will help your business stand out. This blog provides valuable tips to produce SEO-friendly content that can improve website traffic and search engine rankings in the long run.
  4. How to Effectively Market a Law Firm Online – Top Strategieslaw firmsEver increasing competition makes it more than ever important for law firms to incorporate strong marketing tactics and build a strong online presence. This blog discusses creative marketing ideas that could help a law firm build a strong online presence and attract more clients. Developing a personal brand, publishing quality content, and implementing the right SEO strategies are some of the ways a law firm can stand out in a crowd.
  5. 6 Top Healthcare Marketing Trends in 2021healthcare marketing ideasAs an experienced provider of medical SEO services, we know how important online healthcare marketing is, especially post-COVID-19, to increase online engagement and optimize your brand. This blog discusses the importance of quality social media content and effective patient communication in healthcare marketing.
  6. Top Social Media Optimization Strategies that Law Firms Need to Considersocial media optimizationThis blog explains why social media optimization (SMO) is an important marketing strategy for law firms. SMO is an effective, yet cost-friendly way to improve your online visibility, strengthen the reputation of your brand, and generate additional leads for your legal practice.
  7. Leveraging Local SEO E-Commerce Business – Tips to Considerlocal seoLeveraging e-commerce is crucial for local SEO. E-commerce marketing solutions for local SEO help businesses optimize their website to increase leads, traffic and overall brand awareness in a specific geographical location. This blog provides valuable tips for optimizing an online shopping website for higher visibility in local searches.
  8. Facebook Launches ‘Neighborhoods’ to Connect Local Communities More EasilyfacebookThis blog is about Facebook’s Neighborhoods, a single destination to build and strengthen local communities on Facebook. The Neighborhoods feature within the Facebook app comes with many capabilities similar to Nextdoor, a hyper local social networking service for neighborhoods. This single destination makes it easier to bring the local experience across Facebook into one place and strengthen local communities on the platform.

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