Our Most Popular and Insightful Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

by | Published on Jan 2, 2020 | SEO

SEO is important even for the medical industry, since the competition among healthcare practices is significant and doctors need to ensure that they are able to reach out to the people looking for care and treatment. Our blogs have therefore been focusing on educating healthcare professionals about various aspects of healthcare SEO and how to adapt to new trends and algorithmic changes. So while we have a range of informative blogs out there, we thought that with 2019 coming to an end we’d do a retrospective of our top 10 blog posts of the year.

  1. Google+ to Fully Shut Down by April 2019

    Google+ to Fully Shut Down

    This news had been coming in for some time, since 2018. Google is king of organic search, but Google+ couldn’t topple Facebook or any of the other popular social networks out there. In fact, people really weren’t concerned much about it. Businesses, though, were maintaining accounts so they could reach out to other businesses. Google decided to pull the plug on its social network on January 25, 2019, though many of the features stopped functioning by January 8. We did a blog on the security lapses that befell the social network in 2018, which ultimately hastened its closure.

  2. What SEO Trends Have in Store for You in 2019

    SEO Trends

    As each year begins, we look forward to the trends you can expect and how your digital marketing strategy may need to evolve in accordance with the evolution in the expectations and needs of your target audience. There are also the algorithmic updates that keep coming up and whose frequency has risen now more than before. Check out the trends we predicted, some of which would be felt in 2020 as well.

  3. Keeping Pace with the Transformation in the Search Landscape

    Transformation in the Search Landscape

    Sticking on with the theme of SEO trend evolution, we look at the larger and deeper phenomena at work in transforming the search landscape. Google’s core algorithm changes and search innovations are among the major factors contributing to the transformation. In fact, search innovations have made the search engine results page quite different and a lot more user-friendly than it was years back. We take a look at these innovations.

  4. How to Tap Into the Targeted Audience for Your Plastic Surgery Facility

    Tap Into the Targeted Audience for Your Plastic Surgery Facility

    If there’s one field of medicine where digital marketing and SEO make a significant difference, it is plastic surgery. In the broad sense, plastic surgery also includes cosmetic surgery in which people want to look better and find out which surgeon can give them that look they’re craving for. For non-cosmetic surgery requirements there are medical reasons involved. Even there, it is essential to know which surgeon could bring about the right results. In this post we tell you how to tap into this audience out there as a plastic surgeon or owner of a plastic surgery facility.

  5. How to Implement RACE Method in Your SEO Strategy

    Implement RACE Method

    Intense competition demands highly innovative marketing strategies. One such example of innovation is the RACE strategy, which stands for Reach, Act, Convert and Engage. This strategy can help you to really engage your customers all through the customer lifecycle. We tell you how to successfully adopt RACE for your healthcare practice.

  6. Top Content Marketing Ideas for Hospitals and Doctors’ Offices

    Content Marketing Ideas

    Content is more important than ever, particularly for hospitals and physician practices, since these are involved in the healthcare field where dissemination of knowledge is of significant importance. People search online to learn about treatments, the preparations required, their success rate, etc. They would also want to learn more about various conditions. Your web pages, blog posts and social media posts should be around to give you that information when people search for them. That’s how they get to learn of your practice. We tell you how to make the most of health content marketing.

  7. 3 Reasons SEO Is Essential for Your Startup Healthcare Practice

    SEO Is Essential for Your Startup Healthcare Practice

    This title may appear to be stating the obvious, but it really delves deeper into the basic principles of search engine optimization. As a startup, you have a lot to live up to, when you consider the experienced practices around you. A deep understanding of SEO is essential to build up credibility, authoritativeness and rankings.

  8. Benefits of Website Speed Optimization and 8 Tips to Speed up Your Site

    Benefits of Website Speed Optimization

    While we focus on the various aspects of search engine optimization and digital marketing, let’s not forget the importance of having a fast website. A website having web pages that load fast is important for user experience. Pages that load slowly can have greater bounce rates, meaning readers won’t stick around for it to finish loading. Google also considers page speed as an important ranking factor.

  9. How Healthcare Businesses Should Invest In Digital Marketing

    Healthcare Businesses Should Invest In Digital Marketing

    It is important to invest in the right platforms for digital marketing. It’s not just through the search engine that people find out about healthcare practices, but also through social networking platforms. Adequate research is essential to figure out the right platforms your practice needs to invest in to be conspicuous for your target audience.

  10. How to Improve Your Medical Website’s Conversion Rate through Optimization

    Improve Your Medical Website’s Conversion Rate

    Conversions ultimately determine your ROI, and the goal of much of your digital marketing and SEO efforts. But for more conversions you need a strategy that is highly focused on that. We show you how to optimize your strategy to bring about more macro-conversions and micro-conversions. You don’t want to miss this.

With these resources we have educated doctors and healthcare professionals on the many challenging aspects of medical SEO all through 2019. We will keep great blog posts coming in 2020 as well. Look out for great insights and actionable advice.

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