Traffic or Conversion: Which One Should You Choose for a New Website?

Traffic or Conversion: Which One Should You Choose for a New Website?

A digital marketing services company assists businesses in developing a strong marketing plan. The KPIs (key performance indicators) will tell you whether or not your marketing efforts are successful if you have the correct digital marketing strategy. KPIs can take on a variety of forms based on your objectives and the channels you’re using (Google Ads, organic social media, paid social media, SEO, etc.) In particular for digital marketing, traffic and conversions are two of the most used KPIs.

Importance of Traffic and Conversion

In marketing, the term “traffic” specifically refers to “website traffic,” or the volume of visitors to your website over time. The success of your paid advertisements and SEO is mostly determined by the volume of traffic coming to your website. Traffic indicates that your advertising is being clicked on or that your website is ranked highly enough to attract natural clicks. When digital marketing and online commerce first gained popularity, just the quantity of visitors was used to gauge traffic. Now, however, we take into account many variables in addition to traffic volume to establish the traffic’s quality. For instance, traffic depends on how long people stay on your website. If a visitor to your website stays for 10 seconds before leaving, it’s likely that they accomplished little to nothing there, making their visit of no use to you.

A 30-minute visit, however, is far more beneficial. These visits are referred to as “sessions,” and you can assess the value of the traffic you’re receiving by looking at your bounce rate (how quickly visitors leave your page) and time spent on a page. These visits are referred to as “sessions,” and you can assess the value of the traffic you’re receiving by looking at your bounce rate (how quickly visitors leave your page) and time spent on a page.
Google Analytics Home
The uniqueness of the visits is another aspect. Identify whether diverse people frequently visit your site, or just a certain number. Additionally, where your visitors are coming from might provide you with information: if the majority of your clicks come from sources other than your paid advertisements, you may want to reconsider your strategy or tweak your ad campaign. Finally, it’s important to consider what users do when they visit your website, and whether they convert.

The number of internet visitors who convert and take a specific action on your site is called a conversion. A conversion would occur if someone clicked on an advertisement asking them to register for an event and then did so. A conversion would occur if someone conducted a Google search for a product, clicked on your website, and made a purchase from you. Depending on your marketing strategy, you might want your visitors to download something, read a blog post, schedule an appointment, or, in most situations, make a purchase from you. You specify a conversion’s meaning for your business and plan.

Conversions are more valuable than just traffic since they increase return on investment. Even if you receive millions of visitors, if none of them make a purchase, your investment will not be repaid in full. For instance, if 1,000 people visit your website each month and 50 of those people buy something, your conversion rate is 5%. But let’s imagine your website has 5,000 visitors every month, which is great. However, suppose that your sales are still only 50. Your conversion rate is only 1%.
Google Analytics Home Overview
A poor conversion rate most usually indicates that something on your website isn’t performing as well as it should, even while your ads or organic ranking are doing an excellent job. You should be able to convert more of your visitors into paying customers now that you have five times as many potential clients as you had in the above scenario #1. Instead, you’re probably spending more on marketing while getting the same ROI. Focusing on converting traffic into sales will help you increase your return on investment.

The Need for Optimizing for Traffic

  • With traffic, any conversion rate will increase: Increases in traffic will result in more revenue as long as your conversion rate is positive. For instance, if your website has 1,000 visitors and your conversion rate is 1%, you will eventually have 10 paying clients. You will have 100 paying clients if your conversion rate stays the same and you receive 10,000 more visits. In other words, you can live with a temporary stagnation in your conversion rate.
  • Growing traffic takes time: Growing a website’s traffic requires a lot of work and time. It is also very expensive. You might not start to notice actual results for several weeks. In the light of this, a number of business owners desire to start generating visitors as soon as possible. They can start seeing the consequences of their scaling much sooner and are less hindered by delays as a result.
  • Conversion optimization is simpler when there is more traffic: You will have more data to measure and evaluate if your website receives more traffic. When visitors arrive at your website, it is easier to research user behavior patterns and increase conversion rates.
  • The priority is reputation:Although conversions and income creation are crucial, your reputation is definitely more vital if you care about the long-term success of your company. It’s not only about getting customers to buy from your company; traffic also involves increasing brand recognition and cultivating a positive image among non-clients. Building your audience before increasing your conversion rate may therefore be beneficial for promoting a stronger brand reputation.

The Need for Optimizing for Conversion

  • Without conversions, traffic is useless: Increasing your traffic is advantageous if your conversion rate is favorable. However, no amount of traffic would help you if your conversion rate is close to nil. Prior to taking any other action, you should concentrate on improving your conversion rate if you’re having trouble getting any first conversions.
  • Conversions can be easily and cheaply optimized: Optimizing a website for conversions is generally inexpensive and simple compared to boosting traffic streams. In just a few days after making a change, you can witness the results of your labor. Experiments can be carried out more quickly. Because of this, conversion optimization frequently appears to new business owners to be the superior first option.
  • Less missed chances. You can be confident that your concept is working if you see traffic coming to your website. Every new user of your website is a potential customer who is intrigued enough by your company to make a purchase. You might, however, be tempted to view all of your new traffic as a stream of missed possibilities if you don’t spend any initial work on conversion optimization. Even though you may be receiving thousands of visitors, if none of them are converting, they can leave your site and never come back. You’ll miss fewer opportunities with early conversion rate optimization.

Here are some aspects to consider as you improve your optimization.

  • Successful experimentation is essential: Try out several strategies to see what works best for your website; making mistakes won’t harm you. In actuality, this procedure will assist you in reaching your optimization objectives.
  • Put your traffic value first: You can use this as an opportunity to test the conversion strategy for your website. However, it will be tough for you to test your conversion if there isn’t a lot of traffic.
  • Keep your conversion value in mind: This will increase the value of your visitors, potentially resulting in high-quality leads, lower costs, and increased revenue.

Working with a reputable digital marketing services company will help you get the most out of your marketing investment. They will assist you in attracting and converting your consumers rather than simply attracting more traffic to your website in order to run more successful and profitable advertising campaigns.

Google Search Console Adds New HTTPS Report

Google Search Console Adds New HTTPS Report

Google always strongly recommends websites to use HTTPS, to protect users’ security and privacy. Google prefers indexing the HTTPS version, for sites with both an HTTP and HTTPS address. The search engine giant has recently announced the addition of the new HTTPS report in Search Console, which is available only for Domain properties and HTTPS URL-prefix properties. Google has announced HTTPS as a ranking signal earlier.
Google’s HTTPS report can help website owners to –

  • Get insights about the HTTPS pages served on Search, and
  • Know the issues that prevent pages from being served as HTTPS, along with sample URLs

The new report provides more information regarding the HTTPS status of the site and makes it easier to understand which pages are not served over HTTPS, and why not.
The report shows the count of indexed HTTPS and HTTP URLs. Search Console then checks each HTTP URL for a matching HTTPS URL (ignoring parameters) and reports why the HTTPS version could not be indexed. By identifying underperforming pages, the report helps to improve UX.

Examples of Https Pages
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Pages are Not Being Served Over HTTPS

What Does the HTTPS Report Include?

This new report will show how many URLs indexed on your site are HTTP and how many are HTTPS. Compared to HTTP, HTTPS uses transport layer security (TLS) to encrypt and sign requests and responses, making it a more secure option. HTTPS helps protect networks and users against attacks, by encrypting the connection between the user’s computer/device and the website being visited, thus ensuring the integrity of the information being sent.

Earlier, Google released the Page Experience report in Search Console to help site owners understand and fix issues affecting how Google evaluates the page experience for their site. Page experience in Google Search is evaluated using criteria such as – Core Web Vitals (that tests the speed, responsiveness, and stability of the page loading experience for users), mobile usability and HTTPS usage. The use of HTTPS is also included in Google’s Core Web Vitals, the set of metrics that measures UX in terms of loading speed, interactivity, intrusive interstitials, and visual stability.

Websites that have HTTP URLs listed in this report must consider fixing the errors in order to provide a good page experience to their visitors. Such sites see a few “HTTPS crawling issue” errors, and a lot of “Other issues” errors. Some of the common errors noted are – HTTP marked with canonical tag, HTTPS with an invalid SSL certificate, sitemap pointing to an HTTP URL, HTTPS URL exists, but redirects to an HTTP URL, HTTPS URL is roboted and not evaluated or even a site-wide error that prevents Google from evaluating this URL.

To fix any other errors besides HTTPS not evaluated, consider switching your site to HTTPS. Make sure to check your site for availability issues in the Crawl stats report. Sites that are not responding to crawl requests, can prompt Google to stop checking your URLs. Always look for errors or 404 responses in the Index coverage report, especially on important pages.

A lot of 404 responses can prompt Google to stop crawling your site. To fix missing HTTPS URLs, create an HTTPS version of an HTTP URL and let Google know about it. To fix any issues related to the report, Google recommends addressing issues other than HTTPS not evaluated first. It’s good to fix the URLs with issues that affect the most pages first. For each error, determine the HTTPS URL that was crawled for that URL: Search Console tests the HTTPS version of the HTTP URL.

Generally, issues that prevent pages from being served as HTTPS are: either the page has an expired, invalid or missing SSL certificate, or it calls to non-secure third-party resources (e.g. images, CSS and JavaScript). A professional digital marketing services company like MedResponsive can help correct any HTTPS issues and thus allow search engines to crawl all the pages of your website.

Google’s September 2022 Broad Core Update Being Rolled out

Google’s September 2022 Broad Core Update Being Rolled out

Following the helpful content update that finished rolling out on September 9, the search engine giant released the September 2022 broad core update on September 12. This rollout could take 2 weeks to complete. The official Google list of announced updates has stated that it will take up to two weeks to finish rolling out.
Google Search Central September 2022
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This is the second broad core update for this year, following the May core update. After the May core update, websites witnessed high volatility and bigger swings. Expect the changes to the algorithm to be seen within the next few days as the changes are rolled out to data centers. Core updates impact Google Discover, feature snippets and more.

Does this core update strengthen helpful content update?

Google has not specified anywhere that the Helpful Content Update is a major part of this September core update. However, many marketers believe that this broad core update picks up the changes and trends after the helpful content update.

In his tweet, Danny Sullivan, public liaison for Search, said that the effects of the helpful content update might become more observable during a core algorithm update.
Danny Sullivan September 2022
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The Search Community response generates hope that this update will make the search results better. It is expected that the update will get rid of all the really crappy results that rose to the surface.
Search results may bounce around for the next few weeks. The recommended approach is to be vigilant of any changes in search console but don’t react.

Google has not confirmed how the September 2022 core update impacts the search results (SERPs) around the world and in different languages. Most probably, it will affect search results across most languages, as such updates are more general.

Core updates are a few broad and significant changes to Google’s search algorithms and systems. During these updates, websites may notice gains or drops. These updates are designed to ensure that Google is presenting relevant and authoritative content to searchers. Google has said that the sites that experience drops need not try to fix the wrong things. Moreover, there might not be anything to fix at all. Often, there’s nothing in a core update that targets specific pages or sites. Instead, the changes are about improving how Google’s systems assess content overall. These changes may cause some web pages that were previously under-rewarded to do better.

What marketers can better do is to check whether their site content provides complete and original information, and insightful analysis. They should also ensure that the headline and/or page title provides a descriptive, helpful summary of the content and that the headline and/or page title is not exaggerated or shocking in nature. While presenting, check for any spelling issues and check whether there is an excessive number of ads, and how it appears on mobile devices. Also, review Google’s search quality rater guidelines. Above all, benefit from professional content writing services, if you’re outsourcing the task. Experienced digital marketing companies will stay up-to-date with Google algorithm updates and make sure that your websites also meet such standards.

How to Develop Linkable Content

How to Develop Linkable Content

It is important to develop linkable content to broaden your audience and engage new audiences relevant to your brand. A digital marketing services company ensures that the content you are creating has the required relevance which prompts your audience to link to your website. This in turn can enhance brand awareness, generate leads, boost sales, and allows businesses to easily connect with the target audience. Linkable content is a core deciding factor in ranking higher on the SERP. But how can you make the content linkable? The answer lies in creating quality and relevant content. Read further to know how to make your content linkable.

Why is it Important To Create Linkable Content?

  • Enhances brand visibility by driving quality traffic to the website.
  • Websites with linkable content are considered credible and authoritative. If the content has earned more backlinks, Google considers these websites as informative and useful for the readers. Subsequently, the website ranks higher on the SERP.
  • Enables businesses to understand the tone of the target audience. When you know what people want, you can effectively curate your marketing strategies.
  • Links from reputable sources help in getting organic traffic.

Making your content linkable is a key SEO strategy that an organic SEO company can effectively implement.

Creating Content to Appeal To Credible Websites
Developing great content is easier said than done. It is not word count that matters when it comes to people reading your articles. Readers trust content that has authentic information and is linked to credible websites.

  • Be the voice of your target audience

Research the preferences of the target audience and create content that matters to them. You can browse the websites of your competitors and analyze how they are providing useful and engaging content to their readers. To know what serves the best interests of your target audience, you need to know the pulse of the readers. Prior to conducting research on the content, you need to analyze what the target audience needs.

The content has to establish two-way communication with the readers like engaging your audience to get feedback, comments, and reactions. To interact with the users, businesses have to involve potential readers in content creation. You can add an FAQ section to give answers to the burning questions of the readers and educate them with statistical data.

Understanding the demographics of the potential readers can help you in understanding their preferences and interests. For example, age is a determining factor while shopping online for apparel. When you are done gathering the behavior of your target audience, you can build audience personas. With content writing services, you can give an idealized representation of your target audience in the content you develop.

  • Find content ideas related to your business

Here comes the relevance of the content you are developing. Create content that resonates with the service or the product mentioned on the website. Identifying the core topic of the content is the initial step. The theme of the content has to convey to the target audience that your product or service can solve their pressing needs. In this manner, find more content ideas to expand it to blog posts, images, videos, and other forms of content.

  • Make the content authentic

Quality content is that which has trustable and original information. This is a compelling method to get linked on other websites. When readers find that your content is developed by analyzing statistical data and with research backing, your website receives enhanced organic traffic. Apart from the data, add original images or videos that are self-explanatory. Making the content visually appealing has the added advantage of outpacing the competitors.

Web Development Process

  • Right keyword research to make the content relevant

Make sure that you are conducting keyword research to strategically place relevant phrases in the content. This results in the featuring of your blog posts, images, and infographics on the relevant search results. When readers find your content ranking higher, they consider the content authoritative.
Right Keyword Research for Relevant Content

Linkable Content Adds Value to Your Business

An organic SEO company can give you the results you desire by creating linkable content to interact with your target audience, regardless of your industry.

Is Keyword Clustering Significant in SEO?

Is Keyword Clustering Significant in SEO?

Keywords are the soul of content. They help the content reach the right hands. Over the years, keyword research has witnessed a drastic change. For instance, instead of concentrating on single keywords, today content writers include more than one keyword that have high possibilities for search queries. Along with that, writers are concentrating more on creating reader-centric content that answers the queries of the reader. Thus, the keyword listing is often cluttered and ends up as an unending listing with recurring topics and themes in different manners. Thus, here comes the importance of keyword clustering. This method helps the content writers to understand the semantically related keywords as well as which keyword they have to focus on while writing content based on the queries made by users in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Reliable and experienced organic SEO services could help you identify the right keywords that will enable your content to rank higher in the SERP. Have you ever thought about the significance of keyword clustering in SEO? Well, let’s discuss what keyword clustering as well as its importance in SEO.

Keyword Clustering

Keyword clustering is a technique that helps to boost your content. It is the process of grouping semantically linked keywords to target a page, instead of focusing on a single targeted keyword. In simpler words, keyword clustering comprises a group of keywords that targets the same search intent. It is made of core keywords and their related keywords group around it. It allows you to target multiple search intent in the same content. For instance, if the core keyword is ‘decorative vases’, ‘glass decorative vases’, ‘blue decorative vases’, ‘crystal decorative vases’ are some possible keyword clusters that are semantically linked to the seed keyword.
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Types of Keyword Clustering

The clustering of keywords is broadly classified into two types. They are:

Soft clustering: It is also known as fuzzy clustering. In this, the data point belongs to the multiple clusters at the same time. Here, data point refers to the core keyword and its phrases.
Hard clustering: In this type of keyword, a single data point entirely belongs to a single cluster.

How to Create Keyword Clustering

For this process, you need to follow certain simple steps. These include:
Step 1: Collecting relevant keywords
In nutshell, the first step of keyword clustering is keyword research. Review the website you are handling and analyze the type of audience, what they are looking for on the website as well as the nature of the website. You can also conduct competitor research for this process. In addition, you can make use of keyword research tools like SEMrush for conducting effective keyword research.
Step 2: Grouping keywords
Once you list out the relevant keywords, you can organize them into different groups. You can perform this process either manually or with the help of certain tools. If you are opting to go for manual grouping, then make use of a spreadsheet to analyze how often each keyword is searched for, important keywords among them, and categorize them into topics.

On the other hand, if you are choosing tools over manual process, then make use of certain keyword research tools like SE Ranking, Wordstream, SpySerp and so on.
Se Ranking
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Step 3: Include them in your content
Once you are finding your relevant keywords and grouping them, now it is the time to incorporate them into your content. This could be done for fresh content as well as for revamping old content.

Importance of Keyword Clustering in SEO

As mentioned earlier, keywords are the core of content. They are necessary for optimizing the content so as to be made available for the right audience. Thus, keyword clustering is also considered as an SEO strategy. There are various reasons why keyword clustering is essential for a content. The reasons include:
Google analyzes your website as well as the value of the content on your website. The use of keyword clustering will show that your brand understands the intent of the user. It also helps Google to answer multiple common queries. As a result, Google will promote your website in their search results. Your keyword cluster would include low-ranking long-keywords with less competition as well as high-ranking short keywords that are mostly made use of by your competitors.
When you create a content, it must be based on keyword ideas and clusters. In that, you include all information from different perspectives. With the use of keyword clustering, you not only identify the semantic relationship between words but also help Google understand the content of your website. You can even exhibit authority over subjects by recognizing related topics.
With the help of keyword clustering, you can make your content more focused and organized. These keyword clusters determine what to write about. This helps to better position your website and enhance the production of your content.
Avoid keyword cannibalism
This is one method to master your keyword research strategy. If you have a list of unstructured keywords, you may have the tendency to include all of them in your content. This action may result in keyword cannibalization. Instead of being advantageous, it might negatively affect your search ranking. This is because Google cannot determine which content pieces are trying to rank a particular keyword.

Mistakes to Avoid While Keyword Clustering

Though keyword clustering is essential for optimizing your content, you must avoid certain mistakes to ensure optimal results. These include:

  • Insufficient keyword research
  • Not making use of the linking possibilities
  • Landing up in keyword cannibalization
  • Pillar or core page becoming too general or deep
  • Not updating your content frequently

Benefits of Keyword Clustering

  • The benefits of including cluster of keywords include:
  • Increase organic traffic
  • Provide faster results for SEO
  • Create more internal links
  • Improve the relevance of your content
  • Increase visibility in the SERP
  • Enhance the chances of featured snippet
  • Increase productivity

Tools for Clustering Keywords
There are tools that help to reduce your effort and help to create effective keyword clustering. These include the following:

  • SE Ranking
  • Serpstat
  • Surfer
  • WriterZen
  • Cluster AI

Without using relevant keywords, your content might not optimize and would not reach the hands of intended users. As the norms of Google are changing frequently, keyword clustering would be a new method for optimizing content faster. An experienced digital marketing services company would help you in creating the cluster of keywords that are appropriate for your content.