Why SEO Is Complex and High Rankings Do Not happen Overnight

by | Published on Jul 4, 2017 | Medical SEO

Medical SEO is a series of tactics aimed at increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results and improves your chances of being found when prospective patients are searching for treatments and services. It is the process by which your website is improved to enable search engines like Google, Bing etc to rank your site high in the search results. But SEO does not happen overnight. Good SEO takes time as there are various factors that should come together for the success of a medical marketing project.

Why Is SEO Complicated?

Google being the top search engine has more than 200 ranking signals and a website should satisfy all the ranking signals to rank well in Google’s search engine results page. Google keeps changing its algorithm every now and then and therefore it is virtually impossible to stay on top of SERP all the time. When a new algorithm is released, SEO specialists gather data from the changes in ranking from various websites and this helps them to determine what changes need to be done to improve ranking visibility.


Medical SEO Services


Your expectations regarding SEO should be realistic. Here are the major things to understand.

  • SEO is a long term investment and it works best when it is rooted in long term goals. Link your SEO pursuits to goals like driving more people to your website or making more sales by the third quarter of a financial year. SEO works best when you maintain your expectations in keeping with the particular site you are trying to optimize.
  • SEO is a great investment, not only of resources but also of time. When you invest more time, effort and resources into your SEO you will get good returns from it gradually.
  • SEO keeps changing so you cannot stick to the same plan and strategies for a long period of time. You will always have to re-evaluate your SEO on a yearly basis to obtain effective results. The ideal way is to set up solid SEO goals and at the outset of your campaign hold meetings with your SEO teams to re-evaluate these objectives as you move through the strategy.
  • Providers of reliable medical SEO services will not guarantee that SEO can happen overnight. Maintain an open line of communication regarding expectations and paths to achieve these; and this will assure that you can work together to create a consistent and effective SEO strategy.

SEO is process of learning to rank well consistently and it involves a significant amount of study and hard work like running audits and creating Google-friendly sites. These factors make SEO complex and challenging. Another important fact that should be kept in mind is that your competitors will also re-evaluate their SEO strategies according to the changes in Google’s algorithm. Therefore there is no guarantee for any website when it comes to ranking. SEO is not an overnight game. It requires investment, time and effort and provides compounding results.

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