How to Get Valuable Referring Domains

How to Get Valuable Referring Domains

Getting as many referring domains (linking domains) to your website could considerably boost ranking. Linking domains and backlinks, though different are interconnected. You need to please the top-notch domains to drive quality traffic to your website. A “no-compromise” approach on quality requires extreme precision in each step. This is where professional SEO services come into play, helping you gather links from referring domains, ultimately gaining more viewers.

Earn the confidence of top domains with ethical SEO techniques.


Get Referring Domains – 17 Tips to Follow


  1. Consider your target audience

Look into the interests of your target audience. Tools like market research and audience analysis help in determining their interests, demographic details etc. This strategy is a goal-oriented approach helping to filter the domains good for your goal.

  1. Identifying your top performing pages

The top performing pages of your website are those that have received the most number of backlinks. By optimizing the content of these pages, you can strengthen solidity and secure more referring domains. Content gap analysis is one way to look out for any possible changes in the SEO strategy that could drive more traffic, and viewers.

  1. Worthy content

Content must be worthy enough that the audience and website owners see it as trustworthy. Insightful content with meaningful data must be the sole motto. Use of case studies, public expert roundup posts etc. can help build this confidence. Additionally, focus on the inclusion of skyscraper, actionable and trending content. The content you create must also be relevant to the brand’s theme.

  1. An eye on the competitors

Your competitor websites contain the most amount of tips and tactics relevant to yours. Conduct a thorough research on their link profiles and referring domains to relatively improve yours. This helps in gaining new sources by the establishment of new connections and collaborations.

  1. Optimize your link building strategy

Follow a data-driven, up-to-date strategy for making the best quality backlinks and thereby attracting high-quality linking domains. Stick to the SEO guidelines and practices for effective results. Always remember that it’s the diversity of domains that matters. Acquiring additional backlinks from the same domain in fact deteriorates the quality and ranking.

  1. Choose the right tools

If you succeed in choosing the right tools, half of the work is done and secured. Using prospecting and outreach tools can organically find domains where you can pitch your content.

  1. Finding the most reputable referring domains

List down the most reputable and popular linking domains of your niche and categorize them based on your subject matter. It is advisable to build backlinks with them rather than spend hours on low-quality unpopular domains. The result of the former is increased web traffic.

  1. Analyzing your referring domains report

Pitch out a referring domains report and conduct a thorough analysis. Identify those contributing to the strongest backlink profile and high domain authority scores. Such domains must be preferred to put in more efforts for finer outcomes. Use this report to identify those making no major contributions and optimize strategies accordingly.

  1. Contribute to other websites

Guest posting in authority blog websites increases the number of linking domains. When you give contributions for building content for a blog website, you are traded back with backlinks. Sharing your ideas and knowledge is a proven way to gain more traffic and backlinks.

  1. Try image link building

Create pleasing visuals on popular topics of your niche and see other websites use them countlessly. Good images distributed far and wide tend to be reused by similar websites and those of higher authority. Obtain the image courtesy in the form of links and the ‘user’ becomes your referring domain.

Get Referring Domains

  1. Get more ‘expert’ contributions

Subject matter experts provide insightful inputs for viewers. Incorporating their contributions into your content helps earn brand value. Expert certification can earn the trust of viewers and other websites, leading to the flow of backlinks.

  1. Reach out to industry leaders

Creating a network with industry leaders will help establish connections and thereby secure valuable referring domains. This helps in getting noticed by the mainstream owners and the rest is accelerated with content quality and other factors.

  1. Links from outdated resources

Outdated resources aren’t helpful to your website or the general audience if they remain so. However, recreating updated versions is a good strategy. Reach out to the owners, provide them recreated content in exchange for backlinks. The beneficiaries are not just both the websites, but also the viewers who get an upgraded version of reliable data.

  1. Influencer collaboration

Co-marketing with influencers could bring more attention towards your website. Common subject matters could be made a topic of discussion, driving more traffic from the influencer’s audience. This could in turn earn the confidence of popular linking domains as the collaboration is often mutual.

  1. Link the unlinked brand mentions

What if your brand is mentioned in a website, blog or social media but not linked? The solution is to reach out to the owners and secure a link. This is a straight-forward method with a fair possibility to earn more referring domains.

  1. Linkable assets are an advantage

Pictures, infographics, website templates, WordPress themes, printables, audio files etc. are high-quality assets that could be offered for free. Websites using these free resources automatically helps generate more links from different domains.

  1. Conduct affiliate programs

Affiliate programs that are appealing enough encourages contemporary websites to collaborate and create links. This enlarges the network of referring domains which could also be of great aid in the future.

In order to stand out among the opponents ‘a component of trust’ or in other words backlinks from high profile linking domains are crucial. A digital marketing service company has excellent expertise in building valuable backlinks and thereby obtaining relevant referring domains.

Struggling to get referring domains?

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What Is the Difference between Earned Media and Paid Media?

What Is the Difference between Earned Media and Paid Media?

If you’ve ever purchased any products online, let’s say a dress, you must have made that decision after going through several options and research. Either you saw a compelling ad that intrigued you or you checked reviews on social media that convinced you to buy the product or maybe it’s a bit of both, as in most cases. In both scenarios, it’s the influence and power of media on the sales of a product that is highlighted here.

The key strategy in media communication of today’s marketing world involves leveraging various types of media, which can be broadly classified into the three main categories – paid, earned and owned media. Each media channel plays a critical role and work together in ideal balance to reach your target audience, and help achieve your marketing revenue goals. Each type gives you distinct advantages and challenges, so take your time to understand what can be achieved with each one, how it affects your digital marketing strategy and increase sales for your business.

According to a report by Demand Gen, B2B marketers allocate approximately 32% digital marketing budget for owned media, followed by paid media at 25% and earned media at 24%. If you want to engage your organization to improve and retain customers, increase sales, build a strong reputation and take your business to new heights, partner with an affordable digital marketing services company to create an effective marketing strategy.

Earned Media Vs Paid Media

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What Is Earned Media?

Earned media is the publicity that you receive through various forms such as word of mouth, online reviews, social media advocacy and feedback from customers. This is a unique type of media which originates organically outside your company’s marketing efforts so you gain expansive audience reach and increase the credibility of your brand. It is often unpaid so you can call it as a form of free advertising – however, it comes with a disadvantage of being uncontrollable, so there’s always a chance at negative media.

Earned media has exploded in recent times with the rise in social media and technology, making it one of the most powerful marketing tools. Digital technology gives consumers the freedom to actively engage with sharing reviews and ratings for any company’s products and its service, so it is in a way opposite of paid media. Earned media, however, if utilized effectively, is an investment that has the potential to be most impactful and instill trust in the audience because consumers often prefer personal recommendations to advertisement.

Earned media can amplify your business’s reputation and credibility at no cost and that’s why you need to evaluate the value of earned media in your digital marketing strategy. You can measure earned media through various means such as social media engagement, online ratings, and influencer mentions. Hiring an organic SEO company to evaluate the current standing and finding the drawbacks in your website is crucial for implementing new strategies to improve your company website’s organic ranking. Let’s go over some other benefits of earned media as well:

  • Build brand authority and trust: When you organically build your brand’s reputation and authoritativeness, you naturally gain the trust of the consumers.
  • Reach a wider audience: As you cannot target a specific audience with this strategy, you benefit from reaching a far wider audience beyond predetermined numbers.
  • Cost-effective: Unlike other Medias, here you are not required to plan any strategies such as advertising or email marketing, so it costs comparatively lesser. Instead, invest in PR to strategize effective communication with the audience and pitch to publications by building relationships with journalists.
  • Receive authentic feedback: You may receive constructive feedback from your audience in the form of online reviews, testimonials etc. which helps in the growth of your brand. It also builds authenticity since the public knows that you didn’t pay for it.

What Is Paid Media?

Paid media, as the name suggests, is simply the media marketing which you pay for that shows up in front of the audience. It incorporates any marketing effort such as – print, radio and digital ads, TV advertising, social media ads, and promotional display content in websites that can’t be executed for free. Paid media can be divided into two categories: display ads and paid search. Display ads are executed to the public whereas paid search appears only if customers actively search for it.

Although paid media can involve an initial hefty fee, it is a great way to get an immediate return on investment. Using the above approaches, you can collaborate with digital marketing services to garner wider and targeted audience impression, improve conversion rates and boost profits. It’s relatively easy for marketing experts to track the performance using analytics for readjusting strategies to generate better leads, promote content to generate earned media and direct your audience to owned media properties – ultimately make sales. Here are a few major benefits of paid media:

  • Target the desired audience: Paid media allows you to tailor ads to the ideal audience based on your preference such as age, income, location, gender, or interests.
  • Gain fast results: Paid ads are the most trackable form of media that allows you to determine which approach gave you the best results quickly. Several tracking tools like Google Analytics, Keyhole, Hootsuite etc. monitor audience demographics and measure the results of your efforts.
  • Increase brand visibility: To get recognition, your brand must first gain visibility among the audience. Paid media can generate curiosity in people and drive traffic to your website, increasing your brand awareness.
  • Retain customers: Your paid media aims to constantly remind and refresh the audience’s mind of your service so your customers remain loyal while you gain new audience.

How to Differentiate between Earned Media and Paid Media?

With numerous media channels available for digital marketing at your disposal, it might be confusing to choose one that fits your brand. The right way to utilize them is to prioritize in a way that makes sense for your goals and integrate strategies from both media types that fulfill different needs and requirements of your company. It’s vital to know the main characteristics of each media type and how to differentiate between them to help you make the right decisions for your business.


The key differentiator between earned and paid media is the level of control you can exercise on them. Paid media offers a high level of control over the way your brand is perceived by the public since it allows you to establish the unique identity, quality, values, tone, and look of your business. It also reaches people a lot faster than other types, and you can define the demographic of the audience you want to target. When it comes to earned media however, you have basically no control over the way your brand might be received in the eyes of audience. So, that’s why it is important to run your business sincerely and truthfully, as it affects your earned media either positively or negatively, depending upon how well your customers are satisfied. People tend to trust reviews, testimonials etc. over paid ads because it comes from an unbiased point of view, giving it more reliability and credibility.


The budget you can allocate is crucial when it comes to navigating media types. All three media types come at a cost, but paid media is the priciest of them. Although costly, paid media also offers the best return on investment since it’s more effective in reaching a massive audience and your marketing strategies are easily measurable. You don’t get this in earned media, but it comes with other benefits like building trust and reputation for your brand in the audience. For example, if you want to sell a product within a short period of time, paid media does the job but if your goal is to build an overall image, identity and reputation for your brand in the long run, then earned media is the way to go. So choose to invest your budget according to the business’s goals to reap the rewards.


All media channels have impact; however it varies with content, target and strategies to be implemented for your business. Firstly, it’s important to define your goals to discern the level of impact you prefer to create with your marketing tactics. If your goal is to generate interest and awareness about your service among the public, then paid media makes the biggest impact that allows you to target a wider amount of people within a short time. When you want to set up a successful business that survives in the long run, it’s tough to achieve it without earned media. So selecting the right media channels is imperative for establishing the level of impact you want to attain for your company.

How to Choose the Right Media for Your Business?

The best strategy of digital marketing is combining all the elements of paid, earned and owned media channels for your business. Several factors such as budget constraints, target audience, impact level, and revenue goals influence the marketing strategy you execute. Each media type plays a role in creating a synergy among the multichannel media for the integration of campaigns, infrastructure and resources throughout the digital marketing strategies. So choose a digital marketing services company that streamlines the marketing process to avail all the benefits of paid and earned media for your company and increase ROI.

How to Build an SEO Roadmap

How to Build an SEO Roadmap

What’s an SEO Roadmap?

An SEO roadmap is a collective document used by a search engine optimization company that outlines broad strategic SEO tasks, key opportunities and a step-by-step plan of action. This will help to more quickly achieve the goal of improving a website’s search engine performance. It is created at the beginning stage of an SEO campaign to provide an overview of detailed tactics, assigned individuals and target deadlines over a period of six to twelve months. SEO strategies are not set in stone, as amendments or changes can be made at any time of the project in accordance with the relevant trends and market changes in SEO. Due to this volatile nature, an SEO roadmap is also known as a”living” document.

What are the Benefits of SEO Roadmaps?

Like any strategy, an SEO roadmap benefits businesses in their campaigns. You can tailor the roadmap to meet your unique set of business priorities. The roadmap paves the way for stakeholders, clients and other team members to reach an understanding and agreement on the tasks that lie ahead for effective collaboration. With a solid plan, you can keep SEO marketing in track, measure activity results and achieve maximum ROI. Now let’s look at some stellar benefits of using a good SEO roadmap:

  • Align SEO efforts with business goals

An SEO roadmap is a strategic blueprint that aligns your team to the right business objectives. Your digital marketing team creates and employs it to boost your company’s search engine ranking. It also plots the course of your business’ success and if leveraged correctly, ensures that your marketing efforts bear fruit.

  • Getting collaborators on the same page

SEO roadmap is the collaboration point of SEO specialists, content creators, web developers, and the marketing and engineering of the product. They all must work together and centralize to achieve a successful SEO campaign. It also acts as a central document that clearly outlines and defines the roles of each department and assigns specific tasks to the responsible team, thereby streamlining the internal communication across all branches.

  • Prioritize SEO efforts with business goals

To receive the desired outcome, you must match the SEO strategy with the final business objectives. Using a roadmap helps you prioritize the initiatives that yield the highest results within the time limit for the intended business goals. For example, if your client’s purpose is to increase organic website traffic and drive sales, then implementing steps such as using the right keywords, producing high-quality, reliable blog content on a timely basis, conducting site audit and analyzing organic traffic results through platforms like Google Analytics helps accomplish the goals.

  • Optimize SEO for maximum ROI

When you diligently lay out all the task details, it is easier to structure and divide the process into smaller, manageable tasks that allows you to capitalize on quick wins. Quick wins are a great way to implement minimal development tasks on content that already exists such as updating Meta description or fixing broken links. The advantage of quick wins is that you can see that minor changes generate some traction for your website right away and improve your ranking within a couple of weeks or months. In this way you can anticipate outcomes in advance and adjust larger projects accordingly to ensure optimized SEO.

Tips to Build a Good SEO Roadmap

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How to Build a Good SEO Roadmap

To construct an effective SEO roadmap, you should have an understanding of the following preliminary and ongoing multiple stages involved. Here are some tips on how to build an SEO roadmap:

  1. Define and assess key SEO tasks

Clearly define your SEO tasks by assessing your current standing. An overall viewpoint of the project’s status will provide your insight regarding which action items are to be completed on the basis of impact, time and priority. Each roadmap will differ according to the unique factors present in a project. Conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to identify the strengths, weaknesses, errors, first priority actions and opportunities for areas of improvement.

  • Audit and analyze the website traffic
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Check for and fix any broken links
  • Create new website content and delete duplicate ones
  • Optimize Metadata such as Meta title and Meta description with relevant keywords
  • Implement schema markup
  • Include visual aspects like images and videos for retaining visitors
  • Review and regularly update website content
  • Monitor SEO trends and adjust strategies accordingly
  • Investigate website speed rate, security and user experience
  • Build high-quality back links from authority news sites and blogs
  • Conduct a competitive analysis

SEO consulting services employ software that automates the SEO audits to present a concise, detailed and understandable report for the client. It’s then possible to set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) goals for the action steps to keep you on track.

  1. List out your business goals

The primary actions included in the SEO analysis should align with the client’s business goals. Not all SEO strategies are needed for all projects, so it is important that you consider only those that are beneficial for the company’s objectives. Effective utilization of resources saves time, effort and money so write out the list of overarching tasks to be implemented in accordance with the business goals.

For example, if you are working for an e-commerce business client then your focus is on improving online sales. This is done by optimizing the product website to generate organic traffic growth, gain new customers through online exposure and generate more revenue. So, the main goal here is to drive organic growth for the company and hence, implement SEO strategies that pertain to this goal.

  1. Define and review tasks list

The next integral step is to define and create the entire to-do list to be attained at the end of the SEO campaign based on goals listed. You can create an action priority matrix, also known as Eisenhower matrix, which is a task management tool to organize workflow based on urgency and importance. The tool divides tasks as:

  • Quick wins
  • Major projects
  • Fill-ins
  • Thankless tasks

Refining your larger list to focus on tasks mentioned above provides a framework to make informed decisions, streamline workload and maximize productivity. For example, if the task is to update the website to rank higher in the search engine results page for a geographical location, you can break it down into smaller chunks as follows:

  • Conduct in-depth research about the specific geographical locations that you target and extract traffic by various criteria to understand the local culture, cultural nuances and the preferred languages of this region.
  • Assign the data to the SEO team to analyze, identify and strategize the actions to take
  • Translate all the website content including text, images and other visual medias into the required languages
  • Include region-specific keywords, meta tags and language-specific URL, hreflang tags and CDNs
  • Launch localized versions of your website
  • Analyze the traffic from specific regions and evaluate their performance

The above tasks involve contribution from various departments such as SEO specialists, content writers and creators, technical development and support teams.

  1. Plan workflow and add timeline

The next step is to plan out the workflow to assign tasks to the responsible team members. While planning out the tasks, it is equally important to understand and identify the resources available to allocate for each project. Assess the required resources needed for each department by:

Allocate your resources according to the highest priority in the task list and have realistic expectations about what you can achieve with the available resources. The success of an SEO campaign lies in attaining the maximum possible outcome and ROI within the given budget of a project. Create a SEO roadmap that details instructions and outlines the workflow for your staff to follow so they can complete the work on time.

After you’ve set the workflow and resources, SEO roadmap should feature a timeline to give a rough idea of how long each of the action items should take to complete. Depending upon the duration and goals of each project, the timeline can vary from 6 months to more than a full calendar year. Within this timeline, divide the tasks into phases consisting of goals to be tracked and check the progress. This establishes a seamless workflow that eases the workload burden, reduces chances of mistakes and gives your team a pre-planned schedule to follow.

To add timeline for the SEO roadmap, you should:

  • Enter the number of days or weeks allocated for each task in the respective month column
  • Maintain a half-day or full day interval
  • Consult the team leaders or members for approving the time given
  • Format and arrange your time estimates to flow in a Gantt chart-style
  1. Monitor your performance and update the roadmap

With SEO roadmap, it’s easy to get distracted by the planning side of things, but you shouldn’t forget to continuously monitor and measure your website SEO performance in the search results. The element of a successful SEO strategy lies in ongoing analysis to keep the roadmap agile and relevant. Add a section to regularly track and update the status of each measurement metric of SEO. You should employ tools such as Google Analytics to measure the SEO KPI metric:

  • Direct traffic
  • Organic traffic
  • Paid search traffic
  • Search visibility
  • Conversion rate
  • Keyword ranking
  • SERP features
  • Bounce rate and engagement rate
  • Scroll depth
  • SEO site health
  • Competitor analysis
  • Website speed and security
  • Backlink profile

Monitoring these above metrics is important to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts and help stakeholders understand whether your SEO campaign yields the desired outcome. If the results aren’t what you expected, then you should identify which part of the SEO strategy fell off. So, regular revision and updating the strategy is important for continuous improvement. Remain flexible and adjust wherever necessary, such as assigning the role of leader from one team member to another, or removing a team member if they’re not suitable for the given task. Conduct scheduled meetings with staffs to discuss goals, room for improvements, setbacks and individual opinions. Finally, appreciate and recognize positive work to motivate your team and reinforce a collaborative mindset.

Final thoughts

Crafting a fully defined SEO roadmap can be a game-changer for any organization, if leveraged effectively. Aligning the goals, resources and strategies of SEO for the respective business will unearth opportunities to reach the intended end result and impact your success. It takes effort to track each project from start to end, so create the roadmap with a simple spreadsheet detailing the entire SEO strategy to make it accessible and easy to understand. Keep the guidelines outlined above in mind while developing your roadmap and achieve your most challenging SEO goals with ease.

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Are You Skipping These Vital Recurring SEO Tasks?

Are You Skipping These Vital Recurring SEO Tasks?

Due to the dynamic nature of digital marketing, it takes more than a basic understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) to stay ahead of the competition. Businesses are investing organic SEO services to drive results with high-quality content, strategic keyword placement, and ethical link-building practices.

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The goal of SEO is to enhance a website’s visible in search results. Implementing an effective SEO strategy with the help of an experienced digital marketing agency can drive targeted traffic to your website and increase revenue over time. However, SEO is not a “set it and forget it” strategy. To get good results, you need to nurture your campaign. This means paying attention to recurring SEO tasks.

Importance of Recurring SEO Tasks

After launching an SEO campaign, you cannot expect to simply sit back and watch the results roll in. This approach may work for sponsored advertisements and a fresh website design. Once you set them up, you don’t have to do much except for some maintenance and periodical updates. These projects will continue to produce results with these minor efforts.

SEO doesn’t work like this. It requires continuous work to achieve and sustain results.

SEO, when properly implemented, will lead to increase traffic and income over time. However, result pages are dynamic. Rankings shift as a result of new websites being made, pages being added to already-existing websites, and continual efforts by businesses to outperform each other.

Focusing on recurring SEO tasks is essential keep up with these developments and stay at the top of search results If you ignore this, don’t be surprised if website loses its ranking.

7 Recurring SEO Tasks to Perform Regularly

There are many moving components in SEO. Paying attention to these recurring tasks can help you drive positive results and maintain them.

Recurring SEO Tasks Checklist

  • Pay attention to poorly performing keywords: As previously stated, the search landscape is constantly changing, therefore it’s critical to keep an eye on every facet of your SEO efforts. This also applies to target keywords. For instance, one of your most crucial phrases might have been the subject of a blog post you published a year ago. Assume that “fresh dried tea leaves” was the keyword. You conducted extensive keyword research before publishing your blog post, discovered that this particular term will help you rank well in search results, and it did. But after a few months, search results show that people are no longer using this keyword, causing your post’s rankings to drop. This means that further keyword research is necessary to identify a term to replace the current one.

    One of the most crucial ongoing SEO responsibilities is monitoring your keywords because they determine how well you rank for the searches that bring in business.

  • Publish fresh content: After conducting keyword research and analyzing current keyword data, content creation is the logical next step. If the adage “content is king” sounds familiar to you, it’s a good SEO guideline to follow. Since content is ultimately what ranks in search engine results pages, it is unquestionably king.Your web pages are unlikely to rank at all if they lack valuable, high-quality content. Therefore, it’s crucial to publish material complies with these requirements. However, regularly producing new, original material and sharing it online is just as crucial as producing valuable content. Google looks for fresh content and posting quality content on a regular basis demonstrates to the search engine giant that your company is expanding and offering new content to site visitors Naturally, the more fresh material you publish, the greater the chance that you will rank higher in Google’s search results pages.
  • Perform regular page speed tests: Loading speed influences bounce rates. Google ranks websites based on their page speed. Having said that, it’s critical that you include “check page speed” in your continuing SEO routine. You can accomplish this by using programs like Pingdom, which will provide you with useful data regarding your website, including site performance. From there, you can take the required actions to improve the speed and functionality of your website.
  • Review your content: Make sure to regularly check your top-ranking content for clarity, quality, and relevancy if you want to make sure it stays high on the search results page. It is Google’s responsibility to deliver the highest caliber and most pertinent information to users. For this reason, you should review older content every few months. When reviewing the content of your website, make sure to look for the following:
    • Time-sensitive data: To demonstrate to readers that a statistic is pertinent, you probably would match it with a date. After a few months, the date may lose its relevance, even though the material is still pertinent. It is important that pay attention to time-sensitive content to ensure that your information doesn’t seem outdated to readers.
    • Quality concerns: You should also review the content’s quality. If fresh content, doesn’t attract the expected traffic, it’s most likely that it lacks quality. Given that Google is already aware of the web page, improving the existing content would be the best course of action in this situation. Try adding some multimedia and some unique new keywords.
    • Outdated keywords: Look for underperforming keywords when you’re scanning existing content. Consider replacing them with fresh keywords that have a similar meaning but perform better.
    • Update your meta descriptions and title tags with new keywords: Don’t forget to add new target keywords to your meta descriptions and title tags. Update those two areas to reflect any changes you make to the target keywords in your text.
    • Ensure high-quality calls to action: One of the best methods to move visitors down the sales funnel is to include effective calls to action on your website pages. After viewing a page, clicking on a call to action button is the next logical step toward conversion. These buttons take users to a page where they can provide contact details, learn more, or convert.
    • Create a robust internal linking structure: A strong internal linking structure is one of the best ways to ensure that Google indexes every page of your website. Adding new links to new pages to old content will make your website look interconnected. This encourages visitors to stay on your website longer and aids Google in indexing your content more quickly.
    • Regularly check for broken links: Broken links are not only ugly to users of your pages, but they also appear ugly to search engines like Google. You must regularly examine your pages for broken links if you want to maintain them trustworthy. More often than you may think, you can find yourself with a broken link if a picture gets removed from your server or if a page on your site gets redirected and you neglect to take the required action. To find broken links on any of your pages, try using a Chrome extension like SEO Minion.

    • Monitor and assess performance regularly: You might as well not have a website at all if you aren’t monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of your website and its pages. If you don’t monitor its performance, you won’t see important clues that something isn’t quite right. A page may see a decline in traffic if there are broken links, missing information, or a more serious issue. Analytics can assist you in resolving any issue and getting the page back up and running before you start losing money.
    • Make your website design function well: if you have eye-catching videos or interactive elements on your website, make sure they are functioning well. While these components contribute to making a website engaging and visually appealing, it’s crucial to see that they’re operating as intended.

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    Ignoring these critical SEO tasks can severely hamper your website’s performance and visibility. Partnering with a reliable provider of organic SEO services can go a long way in improving and maintaining your website’s performance.

Actionable Web Design Tips That Work with Your Content Strategy

Actionable Web Design Tips That Work with Your Content Strategy

When you create content, your goal should be to provide valuable information that educates users as well as the search engines about your website. Your content strategy is effective only if your web design supports that strategy. A content strategy requires creating blogs, resources guides, links to social media, sales sheets, videos, etc for a website. So, if you are planning to set up a website for your business or redesign your existing website, then make sure to incorporate an actionable content strategy by associating with an experienced digital marketing services company. Experts can help you design your website so as to support your content marketing strategy and also track user behavior and your site’s performance.

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Web Design Strategies Complementing Content Strategy

Here are some tips to ensure your web design aligns effortlessly with your content marketing strategy:

  • Faster navigation: Make sure your website has faster navigation that helps users easily find the content they’re looking for. Use clear labels and logical categories to guide visitors through your site, which will reduce bounce rates.

    Faster Navigation

    Also, regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights.

  • Whitespace: Use whitespace effectively to improve readability and highlight important content. Don’t overcrowd your pages with too many elements; instead, give your content room to breathe. Whitespace not only enhances readability but also contributes to a sense of visual balance and sophistication.

    Image Source

    Include whitespace around key elements such as headings, images, and call to action to draw attention and guide the user’s focus. By allowing sufficient space between elements, you create a more pleasant browsing experience that encourages exploration and engagement.

  • Set up a section for blogs: Blogs are a vital component for effective content marketing included in a website. However, sometimes blogs get lost in the complex design of the website. So, if you want you grow your blog readership, then make sure that your blog posts are placed at the right place on your website under the name “BLOG”.

    If blogging or other resources are a part of your content strategy, then make sure that these are integrated into your web design and present them prominently.

  • Make it Sharable on Social Platforms: Creating good content is not enough, to bring visitors to your website, the content needs to be shared on social media platforms. This helps to build engagement and get your content in front of a new audience and potential prospects. Therefore, make sure to include a social share button on your blog post.

    Make it Sharable on Social Platforms
    Image Source:

    Good web design makes it easier to share your content as it provides each resource with its own URL and image.

  • Use CTAs for Blogs: Placing a nice visual CTA (Call to Action) for your blog helps to capture the attention of your readers, and is important to encourage them to click on it and complete the desired action. Showcase references to other informative blogs that keep the visitors engaged on your website.
    Use CTAs for Blogs
    Image Source:

    Also, highlight related guides to capture contact information or compelling visuals that encourage visitors to sign up for the monthly newsletter.

  • A/B testing: Continuously test and optimize your web design elements to improve its performance. Conduct A/B tests on different layouts, colors, and CTAs to determine what resonates best with your audience.

Content strategy is all about planning, creating and delivering good content that defines your marketing needs and goals. However, your content strategy becomes effective only if it is properly incorporated into your website design process. A practical approach is to get expert support — reach out to a search engine optimization company to design a website that supports your content marketing strategy.

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