Significance of Mobile App Development in the Healthcare Industry

by | Published on May 18, 2017 | Mobile App Development

Today people greatly rely on mobile devices and mobile apps have started to penetrate into most of the industries. The healthcare industry is also encouraging mobile app development in keeping with the latest trends and preferences of consumers. Increase in Smartphone users and the rising health consciousness has led to the increase in mobile app usage in the healthcare industry. The way people adapt to mobile technology and look for a convenient healthcare approach has also increased the demand for health apps.

Role and Scope of Mobile Apps

Doctor-patient interaction is vital in the healthcare industry which is a challenging prospect while monitoring patients remotely. However, with the help of mobile apps the distance between the patient and the doctor can be reduced. Therefore many healthcare professionals are enthusiastic when it comes to developing mobile apps, and this improves the performance of healthcare units. It was in the year 2013 that medical apps got more attention from consumers. Mobile apps for healthcare organizations help in delivering services ensuring quality care, improved workflow and increased patient interaction with minimum complexity.

Choose Android Application Development Rather Than iOS

Android and iOS are the two biggest mobile-based operating systems in the world and the choice of platform is important as it can either make or break a business. So here are some of the reasons that put Android ahead of iOS.

  • Android apps are created using basics of the Java language and they can be transferred to any other mobile like Symbian, Ubuntu and Blackberry; and Android apps can be easily be ported to Chrome OS.
  • Android studio is an amazing IDE based on the IntelliJ IDE. It is designed in such a way that suits Android application development. It is highly efficient, fast and can easily set Android project to variety of devices.
  • Java is a powerful programming language and it is used on a wide range of mobile operating systems. It offers various possibilities like developing apps for other operating systems, whereas iOS would require learning one of Apple’s own development languages like C or Swift and these languages are Apple’s own development.
  • Android provides Google Play Store that offers a wide range of free apps. These apps can be updated easily. Apple App store requires a lengthy process of submitting and updating different versions.
  • Android versions allow developers to release a beta or alpha version of the app. This is available only to selected group of users and it also gives the freedom to test the app on Google Play Store. This is not available for Apple’s App.
  • Users of Apple devices are the richer class and so they will be ready to pay for in- app purchases. But Android is more profitable and it holds a substantial share of the market among other mobile device operators. Android has around 1.6 billion consumers compared to 395 million iOS device users.

Medical application development helps physicians monitor several aspects of their patient’s health. Versatile apps are very practical and useful, making it easy to obtain lab results and the results of other diagnostic tests, ensure instant feedback delivery to patients, manage appointments and so on. Therefore, it is important for healthcare entities to develop a medical app customized to their specific requirements. Apps are user-friendly and are one of the best ways to interact more effectively with patients, ensure better services and consumer satisfaction.

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