Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, MedResponsive is a local SEO company with years of experience in providing digital marketing solutions for diverse businesses. 

In today’s podcast, Dame Colquhoun, our Solutions Manager/SEO Strategist, discusses key local SEO tips for E-Commerce business.

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Hello –
This is Monica Thomas the Search Marketing/SEO manager for

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For any E-commerce business, ranking at the top of search engines and getting visitors consistently remains a matter of high priority. E-commerce search engine optimization is an effective way to reach the targeted audience groups online. 

00:15 Relevancy of E-commerce SEO

Ok, so let us jump in to the relevancy of E-commerce SEO and how to leverage that for your local E-commerce business. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important necessity for e-commerce websites. E-commerce SEO aims to rank the product pages at the top of Google search pages higher than the competitors.  It aims to display the products in the right manner so that potential customers can find the products they need in the SERPs and choose the site to click on. When done in the right manner, e-commerce optimization strategies will help a website to rank high on the search engine result pages. In short, the concept of optimization can yield an ongoing, free source of high-converting organic traffic to a website. This means less reliance on advertisement spending, a plus for any online business.

Now that we brushed over the relevancy of using an E-commerce SEO site, let us dive in to why you are listening to this audio.

01:20 Tips for Optimizing E-Commerce Websites for Local Search

With the primary objective of deploying local SEO for e-commerce being to get targeted traffic organically, here are some important tips to optimize an online shopping website for higher visibility in local searches – 

  • First up is perform comprehensive keyword research. Targeting the right set of keywords is essential for improving SEO efforts. Listing the specific category and product pages and then identifying and mapping, on a page-by-page basis – the keywords to target – is an important aspect of e-commerce SEO strategy. Focus on product-focused keywords, taking into account the homepage, product categories and blog content of a website. Focus on two types of keywords – transactional and informational. This type of keyword typically focuses on creating rankings for keywords that drive people to purchase and that keyword would be the transactional keyword. UseSEMrush, Amazon Suggest, Google Keyword Planner and Google Suggest to simplify the process of finding keyword ideas when it comes to optimizing e-commerce websites. 
  • Next on the list is optimizingweb pages for local search.Here’s where you will be optimizing the website pages for local visitors. When optimizing web pages for local search, consider the following points – 
  • Define the title tags, headings aligned with local keywords to help the search engines crawl and bring the website among the top listings.
  • Write compelling meta descriptions that include geo-specific phrases that help users that prefer clicking on the website while seeing the web page snippets.
  • Include the heading, also for setting a content priority.

Alright, so basically within these three bullet points, it pretty much gives you the opportunity to give the description to the visitor way before they decide to go on your site and really see what the site is about. So enticing them with the best meta description will basically give you a chance not only to please Google bots so that they understand what the site is about quickly before you know going on and crawling the site but also to visit again a snippet of what’s to be expected, either for that specific page or again if you are going to the home page of the site, they understand what the site is all about way before clicking and going onto the site.

  • Up next is getting online reviews – We all know how crucial reviews can be to any business.This will significantly help new visitors learn about the type and nature of a business. They are all an essential aspect of having a high click-through rate and show on search engine listings.In order to get those reviews, here are some key points to consider – 
  • Havingan ‘easy to link’ that says ‘leave a review’ on the website or within the email signature
  • Add a review button on the product pages to get ratings of every product directly from the customers
  • Get subscriptions and reviews from the clients by conducting an online survey via email or phone. 
  • Responding to poor ratings and bad reviews cordially.
  • Also, encouraging reviews from local users on your business directories including Google My Business, and Yelp

So, basically you’re spreading thelove when it comes on to encouraging reviews from local users. So, it gives you the opportunity to not only have more than one review statement that’s been added to your account, but also get the opportunity for you to reach out for an extra review or the same review on another account. Of course as we mentioned, getting reviews is very important. It can be difficult, but doing small things on the website just to let people know that there’s space for them to write reviews on what’s going on, any assistance that they need, any issues or pros that they found using your service — all of these would be beneficial. So as mentioned, leaving the link on the side, maybe a button on the home page that lets people know leave us a testimonialif you use the service or leave us a review if you tried to use the service and things didn’t work out, whatever it is that you feel is best,you can test on different angles.

  • Now, optimizing social media accounts for local marketing – Social media platforms offer plenty of opportunities to market on eCcommerce business locally. It is important to optimize Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and all other social media accounts wisely for this purpose. Here are some tips –
  • Create a social media account for the online store as a local business including all important information like – portfolio, bio-data, and contact formation.
  • Connect with local people by targeting the audience over Facebook through the creation of geo-specific content.
  • Inviting people from online businesses to review services using social media pages
  • And last but not least, ensuring to like other local businesses, becoming a fan of local brands to build an association with the local people.

So basically, just networking. So just like how you would do in life, you get to know new people, you go within certain circles that are like-minded, what you’re doing is the best opportunity to do the same thing online. So just reaching out to different accounts that are similar to yours, following their followers, reaching out to the account holders, seeing if you, maybe creating a post on your site that gives benefits to the account that you’re trying to get an association with. So you can use different tactics in order to let them know, “Look, I like the work that you’re doing”, “I would like to do some type of collaboration” or “I’m just showing you some type of love just by having something on my site to show”. This is a company that, yeah, you’re a competitor, but they also give a good benefit. At the end of the day, the best thing to do is to give the benefit to the customer the person that you created a service for.

Focusing on the above and the rest that are on site — the local business SEO tips for an e-commerce website– can help improve the website’s performance in terms of better ranking for competitive keywords, showing on high search engine results pages and also placing the business in front of local audiences, and more. So, of course, all of these tips that are here, that we justtalked about is basically online, but there’s a lot more tips that we offer. So, find the best that’s best for your business, or where you’re currently are within your business, or what you’re currently trying to do online.

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