How to Revamp Social Media Marketing Strategies for Your Medical Website

by | Published on Nov 22, 2016 | Social Media Optimization

Digital media marketing can have a great impact in any business’s market growth, especially in the healthcare industry. Social media users are now rising at a steady pace and will keep growing in the coming years. Due to this tremendous growth, savvy social media marketers are now utilizing various social media platforms to ensure better brand visibility for their medical websites. For hospitals, clinics, private practices and healthcare product supplying companies, digital media proves helpful in many ways. Whether to locate a medical practice, purchase a healthcare product or get medical information, one’s first step nowadays would be to search online. Healthcare websites with better brand visibility can easily pull the traffic in. Professional social media management services can support practices to attract the right audience.

Social Media Strategies for Healthcare Marketing

Many healthcare entities need to revamp their social media marketing strategies to build a solid presence on various social media platforms. Here is how to get it done:

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  1. Use Prominent Social Media Channels for Communication: There are many social media channels available today. Bigger healthcare providers who have more manpower and time to invest, often utilize almost all available channels for marketing. However, if yours is a new and upcoming medical practice or clinic with minimum manpower, you should choose your marketing channels wisely for your social media marketing strategies to work out well. According to a 2016 social media stats update, these are the leading social networks worldwide, which you can also consider for marketing: – Facebook, Twitter, Google +, WhatsApp, Instagram. Choose the ones that are relevant for your practice or specialty.
  2. Get Ranked in Organic Search Results: Earn maximum back links from other websites. For this, you should make your content shareable. This means, your visitors should feel that your content is useful and valuable enough to be shared and this would gain more visits to your websites. Google algorithm would consider this as a proof that your website is providing useful information.

    People are very health conscious these days. As a healthcare professional, you can keep sharing health related information which includes info on various health conditions, medications, treatment options, or even correct misleading or wrong medical information and guidance that they may have received through other sources. This would also help you expand your loyal audience base.

  3. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Studies show that 33% people believe what a brand says, the rest choose to trust what other users say. So there is no point of simply creating ads which does not impress your audience. Google now values feedbacks from consumers or users to get any website indexed in the search results. So, what you have to do is, focus on getting these feedbacks in a natural way. Fortunately, social network is a kind of word-of-mouth marketing. Feedbacks from your satisfied customers / patients are really valued. You may get more new patient visits to your practice if your existing patients praise you on social media and give some positive feedback.

    To empower this social media marketing strategy, you can also upload videos on your patients’ testimonials and share them on social media.

  4. Improve Chance to Win Leads through Health Related Search: Keep your content relevant for your audience. When people search for health related information, make your website show up in the first page of the search results. Educate your patients; provide vital health info by reaching out to them through your web content marketing. In this way you can build up value and credibility.
  5. Speak to Your Crowd: Your social media activities would help you understand what people are interested in, and you can streamline your marketing strategies accordingly. Social media is a major platform for one-to-one communication. Users consider this as a channel to communicate to you directly. So, spare some time everyday to communicate to your online audience, clarify their doubts, and provide the required information.
  6. Devise and Execute Strategies Wisely: Lack of innovation in digital technology is a major drawback for many in the healthcare industry. Moreover, building up social media strategy demands much patience, time and effort. It is all about engaging your audience; not just building up a crowd. If you lack time and expertise to carry out your digital marketing plans rightly, entrust it with any medical social media marketing company that has experience in providing personalized social media optimization solutions.

Choosing the Right Social Media Marketing Company for Your Healthcare Practice

Choosing the right provider of social media content services for your healthcare practice is crucial for building trust and reaching your target audience effectively. Look for a company with experience in the healthcare industry, understanding of HIPAA compliance, and a track record of successful campaigns. Also, make sure they offer custom strategies that align with your practice’s goals and values, prioritize patient confidentiality, and provide clear communication and reporting.

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