What To Know About LinkedIn’s New Features? How Can A Digital Marketing Service Help?

by | Published on Dec 23, 2021 | SEO

As an SEO company offering social media marketing services, we keep track of the latest trends to help businesses build their brand and connect with their audience. One interesting development is LinkedIn’s new Pages Features aimed at helping organizations attract and retain top talent.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported record-breaking statistics: in July alone, the number of jobs available in the country stood at 10.9 million and in August, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs. In this competitive hiring market, candidates are looking to understand more about the companies they are considering.

The world is entering into a talent migration called “The Great Reshuffle”, where people are rethinking not just how they work, but why they work, notes LinkedIn CEO Ryan Rolensky. He calls this as an unprecedented moment in the history of work when people will choose to work at companies they love and feel passionate about. The organizations that will see greater success will be those that engage their employees with empathy and trust. LinkedIn Pages now have new features designed to help organizations share more about their brand and culture, attract top talent, and retain their existing employees.

New Tools on LinkedIn Pages

As people seek new and better jobs, businesses need to communicate to prospective employees that they’re the right company to work for. At the same time, they need to create stronger connections with their existing employees to keep them around long-term. LinkedIn Pages have been updated to help organizations achieve these goals. Let’s take a look at the new features on LinkedIn Pages.

  • Updates to the “My Company Tab”: The My Company Tab – an employee-only space on LinkedIn Pages–has been updated with new ways to keep employees engaged and informed about what’s going on internally. The tab is dedicated to building employee community to help organizations streamline and grow their employee advocacy efforts on LinkedIn.

    The My Company Tab updates allow an organization to easily curate content from their Page feed to the tab with the simple click. Employees will get notified by LinkedIn as soon as new content is curated and they will immediately get the opportunity to reshare the content, so that they know exactly how they can help amplify the company’s messages. Employees can also visualize the content that others in the organization are sharing, and how their own reshares matter.linkedin

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    Previously from an internal LinkedIn research, the company has noted that “employees are 60% more likely to engage with posts from coworkers vs. non-coworkers, and 14x more likely to share their organization’s Page content vs. other brands’ content.” This statistics shows how employees are more likely to engage with content and share it when it’s from their own company.

  • Sharing Workplace Policies Openly: To attract top talent and benefit their brand, companies to be ultra-transparent about their workplace policies. LinkedIn has introduced a new feature that allows organizations to convey their work mode – remote, hybrid or on-site – in their LinkedIn Page header. Additional space is available to clarify evolving policies on vaccines, pay adjustments, and so on.workplace
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  • Customizable Competitor Analytics: To learn more about how their page compares to competitors, LinkedIn added customizable competitor analytics to the LinkedIn Page Analytics Tab. It allows organizations to track and compare their competitor follower growth and organic content performance with their own.competitor analytics
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    An organization can add up to nine of their competitors to scale their LinkedIn Page performance. LinkedIn says it will be adding more metrics, such as engagement rate, to help organizations adapt their content strategy in a significant way.

As a professional organic SEO company, we can help you leverage social media with platform-specific strategies and take your digital marketing campaign to the next level.

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