Difference between SEO Copywriting and SEO Content Writing

by | Published on May 11, 2023 | Content Writing Services

There is a difference between SEO copywriting and SEO content writing and they both serve their own distinct purposes. The truth is, this difference matters, because if these are ineffectively combined, then it will lead to subpar results. Professionals at a reliable search engine optimization company know the difference between these two types of writing and will help you prepare the correct form of writing needed to your website.

Keyword Overview Content Writing
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SEO Copywriting and SEO Content Writing

If you want to sell something online, then you should obviously use SEO copywriting to convert traffic into leads and sales. With SEO content writing, your primary goal is to generate organic traffic through search engines. Both SEO copywriting and SEO content writing can achieve these objectives, but in order to achieve the desired results you have to choose the right method for your project or a combination of the two.

SEO copywriting is intentional, it targets specific keywords and creates useful, valuable and compelling content that prompts readers/end users to either buy a product, subscribe to a list, or anything that helps you create a sale. For this reason, people will gladly share it on social media platforms. It will increase the authority and relevance of your content and help to improve your ranking on Google for specific keywords.

While SEO content writing services also target specific keywords, it focuses on an informal sort of relationship building with people by writing blog posts, eBooks, social media posts, even a podcast script or a video script and more. So, the main goal is increasing your organic traffic through search engines.

When You Should Hire an SEO Content Writer

You should hire an SEO content writer to increase your organic traffic through high-quality and keyword-optimized content. The writer should know both SEO and to write content that is useful, compelling and informative. However, they may not necessarily know how to write for conversions.

The purposes SEO content writing serves include:

  • Website-keyword rankings are increased
  • Drives Click-Through-Rates (CTR) from SERPs
  • Improves website navigation
  • Attracts high-authority backlinks
  • Directs users to other pages on the site
  • Converts visitors into subscribers, buyers, or customers
  • Repurposes existing content

Providing great content can drive social shares, and improve traffic, rankings and also conversions.

SEO Content Projects: Types

SEO content writers typically handle content like:

  • SEO-friendly blog posts
  • SEO-friendly services pages
  • Local SEO content for businesses
  • PPC landing pages
  • Link-building content
  • Guest posts for SEO
  • Contextual links

Content writers and content writing agencies choose different projects like general blog post writing, social media posting, eBooks, video scripting or podcast scripting.

The important point you should understand is, if your primary goal is to achieve increased organic traffic to your site then you will want to hire an SEO content writer. If it is not the traffic you concerned about, but to convert the traffic into sales and leads then you’ll want to hire a sales copywriter.

When You Should Hire a Copywriter

It is when you require copy for different platforms such as Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Sales pages, Product pages, and more. Here, the primary goal is to convert your traffic into sales and leads. The traffic here may be organic, but it should be social media traffic, paid ad traffic, direct traffic, etc. Therefore, you must hire a copywriter who is experienced in the type of copy you need and should know how to convert that particular type of traffic.

For each type of project, the research, writing, targeting, marketing, and launch process can be completely different.

SEO Copywriters’ Projects: Types

When your main focus is not improving organic traffic through SEO but improving sales, you will want to hire a professional copywriter to make the specific type of copy you need. This will be completely based on the project at hand.

SEO copywriters typically handle content like:

  • Facebook ads
  • Instagram ads
  • Social media posts
  • Sales pages
  • Newspaper ads
  • Product descriptions
  • Non-SEO landing pages
  • Brand messaging
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • On-site navigation copy and more

It can be hard to find a copywriter for some projects that can be so niche, in that case, you can go for a general copywriter and ask whether they are experienced in that type of project.

Remember, the success in any kind of marketing campaign depends on the copywriter’s skill to write conversion sales copy. Their process should involve conducting market research, writing copy that resonates with that audience, and including calls-to-action that invite users to buy.

Choosing a Content Writing Service

A business aiming to improve website SEO should find SEO content writer/ content writing service that

  • knows SEO
  • knows at least the basics of conversion copywriting so they can do their best to convert that organic traffic better than 90% of the other-keyword stuffed SEO content-out there
  • can provide examples or proven cases
  • reach out to your network and ask for a referral

So, choose the best writer by knowing the difference between both SEO content writing and SEO copywriting to accomplish what you need with your content. Consider the immediate and end goals of your project, and this will help you choose the most suitable writers available. A leading digital marketing services company can provide content writers or copywriters that are best suited for your purposes and are efficient enough to help achieve your marketing goals.

Unleash the power of strategic content writing for your business!

MedResponsive is a top-notch provider of SEO content writing services, with a team of talented and knowledgeable copywriters and editors.

Contact us at (800) 941-5527 for professional advice on obtaining unique content.

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