Creating Relevant Content for a Law Firm Website – Useful Tips

by | Published on Jun 24, 2021 | Content Writing Services

The search engine optimization (SEO) landscape for legal films is fiercely competitive. With such fierce competition, building a strong online presence or effectively marketing law firms has become quite challenging for attorneys. Incorporating strong digital marketing tactics can help potential clients locate a law firm more easily online. Even though there are multiple digital marketing strategies that law firms can leverage, SEO content writing is a particularly effective strategy. This is because law is primarily knowledge-based and unique content is highly beneficial to spreading that knowledge to a sizeable audience group. An important element of any digital marketing campaign, content marketing helps build trust and engagement with the law firms’ target audience and establish brand profile. Law firm marketing services can provide unique search engine marketing solutions to increase online engagement and optimize brand presence.

Developing Content for a Law Firm Website

Writing effective content is an important aspect for any business, particularly for those in the legal field. Typically, people will not choose the first lawyer they see or visit, rather they would put in a good amount of research to find the right lawyer. Building trust and authority is the most important purpose of content marketing for law firms. By posting valuable and effective content on the website, law firms can show their knowledge and experience, and encourage potential clients to utilize their services. When writing content for a law firm website, it is important to focus on some important points like –

  • Know the Target Audience: Knowing the target audience group involves fulfilling 80 percent of the task. Building strong legal content starts with understanding the right group of customers and giving them exactly what they want. Consider the following aspects when developing the content –
    • Make potential clients understand the whole aspects of a legal issue, for instance – right from the charge through to bail, sentencing, and other additional steps.
    • Make a potential client understand the full consequences of the legal issue they face
    • Provide answers to the most frequently asked questions with specific legal cases
  • Think Beyond Static Articles: Have a clear idea about what type of format will best suit the content. Content can be created in the form of a video, infographic, podcast, article, blog or case summary. Try to combine several formats together to produce a piece of content that’s truly outstanding.
  • Engagement Metrics: There is no such thing as content that is great for SEO but poorly written. Search engines reward well-written, relevant and original content that attracts users and keeps them on the website pages for as long as possible.

Law Firm Content Marketing – Key Tips to Boost Website Rankings

Although most aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing can be pretty technical, content is one of the areas where creativity is rewarded. Incorporating a solid content marketing strategy can make a law firm website stand out from the rest. Developing or publishing fresh, authoritative, and relevant content can help strengthen search engine optimization, link building and social media strategies at the same time. Here discussed are some key points to be considered when developing law firm content–

  • Write for Topics over Keywords: Keywords are a key component that SEO content needs to have as these help clients locate content organically when they search online. However, gone are the days when keywords were used to make a piece of content rank on Google. Nowadays, keywords are used to tell Google what some of the ideas in the content are. As Google has become smarter with how it interprets queries, people also have become smarter about evaluating the quality of the results they obtain. Law firm content should be based on actual topics that relate to the legal industry. Writing for such related legal topics helps to match content to what potential clients are actually searching for more than keywords alone ever could. Utilizing tools like Answer the Public and SEMrush’s topic research feature can help generate content ideas based on key phrases. In addition, conduct a search on the topic chosen and search on Google’s SERPs to see what is already ranking, and how the content is presented.
  • Create a Unique Page for Each Service: When it comes to a law firm website, never be tempted to combine all of your services together on a single page. Create a unique and separate page for each specific service. It makes it easier for visitors to navigate to the right information.unique page
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  • Optimize Each Web Page: Optimize each page of a website for a maximum of one or two search terms – that need to be very specific and targeted. This will tell the search engines exactly what that specific page is all about. For instance, when we take the “Social Security Disability” page of “The Sawaya Law firm” based in Denver, United States – they are not trying to target personal injury lawyer or a multitude of other phrases on the page. Instead, they are mainly targeting one primary keyword phrase – Social Security Disability Lawyer.optimize webpage
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  • Include Legal Specific Statistics: Supporting a specific case with clear evidence is an important aspect in the legal profession. For instance, if a legal firm is trying to support or handle a case via their website content, it is important to provide statistics related to their involvement in such cases. These statistics will convince a potential client to hire the services of the legal firm over their competitors. Credibility is a prominent factor that helps in convincing potential clients who visit a legal website to remain there and go deeper into the information. In fact, lack of credibility is one solid reason for them to ‘bounce’. Providing useful and valuable content keeps visitors on a site and encourages them to go deeper into what a legal firm is really into and what specific services they offer.
  • Include Successful Case Results: A law firm must provide statistical evidence about their practice areas and back up their own success with hardcore evidence. Successful case studies with testimonials can be included as part of evidence. By providing real-world evidence about the number of successful cases, a law firm can raise their credibility and encourage the visitor to read up, go deeper, and remain on the results
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  • Include Multimedia Options: Generally, law firm website content should go well beyond text alone. Incorporate multimedia options like – videos, images and infographics – that help differentiate your website from others and increase the dwell time for visitors. Dwell time is the time spent in one position on a website. Videos and infographics are great ways to increase dwell time, while keeping visitors on your website for longer, thereby boosting rankings.
  • Include FAQs in the Website: Regarded as an important element in a law firm website, FAQs provide answers to common queries of the target audience group. FAQs provide a chance of using the main keyword phrases and easily insert the semantic SEO terms. In addition, it opens the gateway for a huge amount of traffic because of its prominence on the page.faq
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  • Include Testimonials and Reviews: Testimonials and reviews from past clients serve several important purposes. Firstly, testimonials provide the all-important credibility. It allows a website to rank for highly competitive, top-tier keywords if used in a smart way. In addition, reviews and case studies help readers relate their issue to real-world results – and this keeps them on the website for a longer time.testimonials review
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  • Describe the Legal Process: Explaining the whole process pertaining to a specific legal issue is an important aspect in building relevant content for a law firm website. Often, people visiting a law firm website may not be well-versed in the legal process and in most cases will be in the information-gathering stage. In that stage, visitors will try to know about the specific legal processes that will occur when getting involved in a legal issue. Describing legal processes in detail may help keep visitors on the web page and provide answers to their valuable queries.
  • Focus on the Structure of the Content: In most cases, people who visit a law firm website may be looking for quick guidance. People usually search for specific, easy-to-understand legal information. Formatting content as long, technical paragraphs may definitely increase the “bounce rate” from a website, but it may not be good from an SEO point of view. Therefore, it is important to develop legal content in well-structured, easy-to-digest paragraphs. In fact, large, black readable text on a light background usually performs the best. Make sure to use short sentences, paragraphs, and clear headers. In addition, using graphics, videos and images can help to break up the text and explain complex points in a more detailed format.

Incorporating a strong content marketing strategy can help a law firm achieve their business goals. An effective content marketing strategy improves online visibility, adds value to the law firm, and thereby improves conversions and revenue. In fact, highly optimized content is an effective way for law firm websites to ascend Google’s SERPs and get noticed by high-quality potential clients who are in need of legal services. Using the above-mentioned tips for building valuable and relevant content would not only help a law firm to attract more amount of traffic to their website, but also build a strong online presence. Content writing services provided by reputable providers can help implement these strategies effectively and make sure that a law firm stays ahead of the competition.

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