7 Best Lead Generation Strategies

by | Published on Sep 14, 2021 | SEO

No business can flourish without new customers or leads. So, generating leads is the first step in the sales process. Increasing leads is increasing brand awareness. To ensure lead generation, consider obtaining reliable conversion rate optimization services provided by experienced SEO companies. Effective lead generation strategies can create strong relationships with qualified customers.

What is a Lead? What Is Lead Generation?

If you’re a beginner, you may have many such questions. Let us discuss them in brief.

A lead is a potential customer or a person who has shown interest in your brand or your company’s products or services. They may take some action to suggest potential interest in buying from you.

Lead generation refers to the process of generating consumer interest for your product or service with the aim of turning customer interest into a sale. Lead generation strategies include effective marketing tactics that attract interested prospects and convert them into leads.

The first step of the process is finding an effective way to attract prospects to your website. Some of the key ways for businesses to drive traffic are – Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization, better ads, events and more.

  1. Focused Call to Action(CTA)
    • Personalized CTAs convert 42% more visitors into leads than untargeted CTAs (HubSpot)
    • More than 90% of visitors who read your headline also read your CTA copy(Unbounce)

The CTA (call-to-action) in your content refers to the action you want a prospect, lead, or customer to take within your website. Acompelling and strong call-to-action (CTA) can convert visitors into potential customers.
focused call to action

    • Design clear calls-to-action to get the visitors’ attention
    • Keep your CTAs short, in just 1or 2 words and make them highly clickable
    • Choose the right CTA that will appeal to your target audience
    • Avoid using multiple CTAs, as it can be confusing
    • Design eye-catching visual CTA buttons
    • Make CTAs boldly visible with attractive colors

  1. Take Advantage of Live Chat

live chat
Live chat is an important online contact method. You can interact with visitors in real time.

  • Live chat can produce more than a 40% increase in overall website conversion rates (2020 Forrester study)
  • A staggering 46% of customers prefer live chat compared to just 29% for email, and 16% for social media (Superoffice)
  • 38% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they offer live chat support (CrazyEgg)

More and more customers are now trying to engage with a member of your team via live chat on websites. Another benefit of using chat is that you can respond to multiple customers at once. Along with providing better customer support in other sources such as calls and emails, make sure to use live chat for lead generation. You can take advantage of this multi-purpose tool in diverse ways.

live chat box

Just having a live chat box on your website is not enough, make sure you’re using it right. Never let any chat go unanswered. Live chat offers immediacy – much faster access to your team representative, and thus increases online sales conversions.

virtual assistant

    • Create a chatbot welcome message with a nice greeting to start a conversation
    • Provide a menu and ask the visitor what they’re looking for
    • Send lead capture forms to active users
    • Answer customer queries on time to improve conversion

  1. Create Converting Landing Pages

landing pagesThe landing page is the best lead generation tool and is considered as a sales page. It helps to present your products and services in the most attractive way to educate and convert prospective customers. Landing page optimization makes sure you are getting the most out of these pages and collect consumer details including the first and last name, email address, telephone number and more.

verification process

    • Create an impactful design with different colors
    • Design an eye-catching banner to reinforce the offer’s visual attractiveness
    • Write an attractive headline to make your page understandable at a glance
    • Add positive, short reviews from past customers on your landing page
    • Include a clear call-to-action and design an easy-to-fill contact form

  1. Create Newsletters
  • Email marketing leads 4.24% of visitors to complete a sale (Monetate)
  • Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter (Campaign Monitor)

news letter

Email newsletters are another great way to generate leads and sales. Sending engaging newsletters regularly can not only convert prospects, but retain existing customers, and increase the customer lifetime value. This is a low-cost marketing option to spread your services to the targeted audience. Newsletters encourage interested prospects to stay connected with your brand. It reminds leads about your brand. Emails can communicate your message in a personalized way with your customers and deliver the right message at the right time.

news letter message

    • Make sure your content is unique and convinces readers to sign up for your newsletter
    • Feature upcoming events, offers or informative blog posts in the content
    • Organize newsletter list according to the interest of the audience
    • Choose effective email newsletter tools such as MailChimp, HubSpot etc.
    • Provide a clear, concise subject line
    • Add CTA at the beginning of the email to hold the most attention
    • Include tracking URLs to your hyperlinks
    • Add contact links, including social media icons in the footer

  1. Host an Event

eventHosting an online event such as webinars, live streams, educational lectures, virtual conferences or online workshops is another great marketing strategy to generate leads. It can attract your target market through event registration.

    • Promote events via email – create newsletters, press releases, blogs etc.
    • Publish event-related brochures, videos, and presentations online
    • Invest in Facebook Ads and other paid options to increase event awareness
    • Implement effective influencer marketing strategies to raise awareness about the event
    • Offer discounts or coupons to encourage signups

  1. Consider Remarketing

Remarketing converts up to 50 percent of web traffic – versus the two percent converted with search campaigns (SEMRush).
Consider RemarketingRetargeting or remarketing is another effective strategy that involves potential prospects already familiar and engaged with your brand. Remarketing helps to increase brand awareness, keeps potential customers engaged, and helps get back those lost leads.

    • List out email subscribers who visited your landing page but left without converting
    • Focus on webinar attendees and newsletter subscribers who aren’t your customers yet
    • Create unique landing pages specific to your audience
    • Write compelling CTA in your content that attracts the visitor to claim your offer
    • Provide unique sales content – blog posts, infographics, videos, white papers, and emails

  1. Optimize Your Social Profiles
  • 75% B2B buyers and 84% C-level executives incorporate social media as a key part of their decision-making process (LinkedIn)

Highlight all your new products, offers, services and achievements on social networks, as these are exceptional platforms where your targeted audience engage and communicate with you. Social media lead generation strategies can help businesses build brand awareness, generate conversions, achieve better sales productivity, and revenue growth.

    • Use social media paid ads to generate leads
    • Create image and video advertisements to engage the audience
    • Use call-to-action buttons by adding links to your lead magnet
    • Share blogs on social platforms that highlight the upcoming webinars or events
    • Make use of instant messaging & chatbots to connect with prospects

At MedResponsive, our lead generation strategies are not limited to the 7 discussed above. Our strategies also include the following among other innovative SEO tactics.

  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Creation of engaging forms
  • Event marketing
  • PPC campaigns

Call us at (800) 941-5527 and schedule a FREE consultation!

Our experienced digital marketing outsourcing companies can work with you to help build your brand’s reputation, attract targeted customers and increase revenue.

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