Local SEO For Multiple Locations – 5 Key Strategies [Infographic]

by | Published on Sep 21, 2021 | Infographics

If you are looking for innovative strategies to do SEO for a business with multiple locations, then consider local SEO. This is because, several studies show that a massive 46% of all searches performed on Google are local and nearly half of all Google searches revolve around local businesses. In fact, local SEO for multiple locations is paramount for driving success for businesses with multiple branches or geographic footprints.

Standard SEO strategies sufficient to rank organic search, but is robust SEO local strategy in place to rank for multiple locations. The right local SEO plan will show search engines that your company is the right answer to users’ queries. Search engines need to know your exact company address so that when customers search for a location, they can find your business easily. Becoming relevant to specific searches is important to make this happen.

Check out this infographic to learn about local SEO strategies for multiple locations.

Local SEO

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