Mobile app development is one of the much sought after mobile SEO services because these provide an effective way of reaching out to targeted consumers. Healthcare digital marketing focuses on developing the best mobile healthcare apps and software. With increasing use of Smartphones and tablets to access healthcare information and services, physicians, hospitals and medical business owners are realizing that a mobile presence is a necessity.
Developing a mobile app is important, similarly using the right mobile app development framework is also essential for optimum results. These frameworks give developers a standard foundation of functionality, which can be modified according to the mobile app specific software. They may be mobile web app frameworks, native frameworks for platform-specific development and hybrid apps that combine the features of native and mobile app frameworks. With native frameworks, developers can utilize all functionalities that are native to a mobile platform (Android, Windows, Galaxy, iOS). Native frameworks are platform specific and can create apps for only one mobile platform. Hybrid frameworks lack the ability to utilize all native API functions. But developers can still access to a phone’s camera, geo-location, and notification system via the tools provided.
Top Frameworks for Developing Mobile Apps
So here are five popular frameworks for developing mobile apps.
- Ionic: This has remained the most popular framework as it helps developers to build inspiring native and progressive web apps. It works on the latest mobile devices and provides the best environment to an app to hit the market in the desired way. The online Ionic Market allows developers to download templates, and projects developed by other developers. Builders can build, emulate and run their apps. Ionic Lab Components let you test the app on Android and iOS operating systems.
- Ionic: This has remained the most popular framework as it helps developers to build inspiring native and progressive web apps. It works on the latest mobile devices and provides the best environment to an app to hit the market in the desired way. The online Ionic Market allows developers to download templates, and projects developed by other developers. Builders can build, emulate and run their apps. Ionic Lab Components let you test the app on Android and iOS operating systems.
- JQuery Mobile: This app has been popular throughout 2016 and is a widely used cross-mobile framework helping developers to create mobile apps quickly and Apps developed using this framework work on Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, Windows phone 7, Firefox Mobile, Opera Mobile, Kindle, Nook and MeeGo.
- JQuery Mobile: This app has been popular throughout 2016 and is a widely used cross-mobile framework helping developers to create mobile apps quickly and Apps developed using this framework work on Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, Windows phone 7, Firefox Mobile, Opera Mobile, Kindle, Nook and MeeGo.
- Adobe Phone Gap: Adobe Phone Gap is the best framework to develop a hybrid app based on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. This framework assures good quality performance for apps. It also allows mobile app developers deliver an app to a specific audience without considering any hardware limits. This can be used to build apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Ubuntu, MaxOS, Firefox OS and Windows Phone. This framework comes with a number of plug-ins that allow developers to extend its functionality.
- Adobe Phone Gap: Adobe Phone Gap is the best framework to develop a hybrid app based on HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. This framework assures good quality performance for apps. It also allows mobile app developers deliver an app to a specific audience without considering any hardware limits. This can be used to build apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Ubuntu, MaxOS, Firefox OS and Windows Phone. This framework comes with a number of plug-ins that allow developers to extend its functionality.
- Intel XDK: The framework is best suitable for creating HTML5 apps with the required quickness and ease. It provides a wide range of features like providing support to industry leading plug-ins and tools. It is also suitable for creating games that monetize. This framework has tools like debugger, Chrome Developer Tools, DOM elements, Cordova plug-in, and JavaScript code.
- Intel XDK: The framework is best suitable for creating HTML5 apps with the required quickness and ease. It provides a wide range of features like providing support to industry leading plug-ins and tools. It is also suitable for creating games that monetize. This framework has tools like debugger, Chrome Developer Tools, DOM elements, Cordova plug-in, and JavaScript code.
- EXT JS: Ext JS is one of the most popular flexible framework that help developers build a wide range of apps. It provides high performance UI widgets such as lists, forms menus, toolbars and so on. With this framework, developers can create apps for Androids, iOS and Windows Phone.
It is important to remember that a mobile app is not the same as a mobile-friendly website, and many unique features within your app can be better developed and are more engaging than web elements. A mobile app development company can help in creating customized apps for healthcare businesses that are appealing to target consumers, and effective in enhancing customer engagement.