10 Ways to Repurpose Your Healthcare Video Content

by | Published on Nov 8, 2016 | Content Writing Services

You may have created many testimonial videos for various marketing purposes for your healthcare services or products. Have you ever thought about repurposing this video content? Best practices would always help you keep ahead of your competitors.

According to a study by Pew Research, 80 % of internet users browse online for health related topics, and 25 % watch online videos of medical issues. Studies show that a good percentage of people watch only what they like and trust. Video content marketing is now creating a great surge in the marketing industry as it has the ability to provide strong evidence to impress the audience. Uploading videos of interviews with physicians, testimonials on healthcare services or products are the common techniques that healthcare professionals try out to convince their online followers.

Whatever be the video content you have developed, here are some great ways in which you can reuse these videos. This would help you extend the life and reach of your marketing efforts:

Two Simple Steps to Follow

Prior to initiating the repurposing task, follow these two simple steps:

  • Transcribe it!

The first and foremost task you should do with your medical video is – transcription. Transcribe each piece of video content you post. This will make it more engaging and interactive for your audience. Another benefit of this is, your video becomes more search engine friendly and gets easily indexed. The Meta tags added to the transcribed video serve the purpose.

Does that sound as a tedious job? If yes, don’t get frustrated. Fortunately, speech-recognition software is now available in the market. This would be of great help for your transcription tasks.

  • Make it Short!

If you wish to have regular followers for your posted videos, shorter videos would be a great option. Cut your videos into shorter clips that it may grab the audience’s attention quickly and ensure more engagement rates. Followers of your shorter videos would naturally spend time to watch the longer ones too. All you have to ensure is to make those shorter clips customized for the various social media platforms you use. To be precise, the video length restriction for Twitter and Instagram is much shorter than that for Facebook and YouTube. Hence, personalize your videos accordingly.

How to Repurpose Your Content

10 Effective Ways to Repurpose Healthcare Video Content

Once you are ready with the above mentioned tasks, your video repurposing job becomes much easier. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Publish the transcripts so that your customers can easily go through it if they are in a hurry and don’t want to watch the entire video. For instance, if your video content is about back pain and its treatment, users can quickly search for a key term within the transcript and navigate to the most relevant section.
  2. You can turn your transcribed healthcare videos into a blog or article content, which is a great means of content marketing.
  3. Educational or informative videos on certain health conditions or illnesses can be converted into podcasts. Upload these in iTunes.
  4. Clips of your healthcare center’s videos can be used as a means to showcase ‘Tour behind the scenes’ so as to impress your patients or customers
  5. Take quotes from the videos of your management team to create an About Us or Our Story page
  6. Interview videos with doctors or other healthcare professionals can be repurposed for FAQ or Q &A pages
  7. Create webinars for your patients or customers online
  8. As part of social media optimization, you can share the video clips in various social media platforms and popularize your content in a different way.
  9. Take impressive parts of your medical video clips and create trailer videos out of them for more visibility
  10. Develop E-books or Whitepapers out of videos which give in-detail content

Wondering what you benefit from doing so?

Well, be assured that you will gain better and wider online exposure, reach your target audience more quickly, and improve your SEO to a great extent just by repurposing your healthcare video content. So, why wait?

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