How to Increase Patient Traffic to Your Website with Optimized Listicles

by | Published on Aug 11, 2016 | Content Writing Services

Listicles are write ups that are presented in the form of bullet points or numbered list. It is one of the most popular blog post types, also known as list-based. Listicles are frequently found in lighter articles that require fast turnaround or quick approaches to attract and maintain the reader’s attention. Creating listicles is an endeavour that needs special writing skills on the part of the writer, and this is best done by professionals in the field. Blog posting being an important content marketing strategy, healthcare businesses can utilize healthcare SEO services for the same. With the right partner, you can optimize your medical website and reach out to more patients.

Readers prefer listicles as they are very simple to understand and help in clear communication. The information given is straightforward and to the point without any ambiguity. This will help generate more click throughs, more engagement, more social sharing and lower bounce rate than other posts. Studies show that headlines with odd numbers generate 20% more clicks than headlines with even numbers.

Optimize your list post to earn more patient traffic, here are some tips:

  • Plural keywords: An optimized post with the use of plural keywords can earn you more traffic than six poor blog posts
  • Headlines with odd numbers: Numbered headlines get 36% more clicks and out of that, odd-numbered headlines earn more clicks than even numbered headlines.
  • URLs with keyword: Short URLs are likely to earn more clicks and keywords in URL are an on-page ranking factor.
  • Scannable content: Concise and objective content is scannable; it improves readability by 124%.
  • Floating share button: With floating share button social shares increase by 27%.
  • Pinnable images: Content with pinnable images earns more engagement and the optimal pin image should be of 735 pixels wide with reddish-orange colour.
  • Display photos in a consistent format: Consumers are less likely to engage with the brand after reading disappointing content and high quality images earn 121% more shares.

After publishing the post,

  • Distribution of the post: Once the post is published, reach out to the people mentioned in the post. This will earn 3 times more traffic. Many posts get only a few shares. This is because of poor distribution strategy.
  • Previous sharers and linkers: Approach previous sharers and linkers using link tools and BuzzSumo.

Medical websites are important as they provide valuable services to people who are looking for medical information or medical services. A reliable healthcare SEO company becomes useful when it comes to enhancing the website and making it more visible online.

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