Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, MedResponsive stands out as a trusted local SEO company, bringing years of expertise in delivering tailored digital marketing solutions across diverse industries.

Today on our podcast, Dame Colquhoun, our esteemed Solutions Manager and SEO Strategist, explains the intricacies of implementing effective local SEO strategies for construction business. Whether you’re a contractor, builder, or supplier, local SEO can significantly enhance your online visibility and attract more qualified leads in your area.

Find how targeted SEO efforts can drive traffic, increase conversions, and ultimately, boost your bottom line.

Stay tuned to gain a competitive edge in your local market and learn how to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing in construction.

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Hello –
This is Monica Thomas the Search Marketing/SEO manager for

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Within this blog, you’ll find some important tips on how to implement an effective local SEO strategy for construction business. So be sure to check the full article online. Okay, so let us begin.

00:18 Local SEO Strategies for Your Construction Business

Constructing a winning local recipe for your construction business might be daunting, but it also is definitely not as serious as you may think it is. So, if you’re a construction owner or you’re working within a construction business and looking for ways to create lead generation, we’re going to go do some quick tips and again as I mentioned before, the article will be online, so just be sure to check it out because there’s a lot more bullet points there and a lot more tips given with each bullet points itself, so it’s tips that you can take away and go ahead and use right out of the gate. So, just be sure to share it with others so that they can also use the source.

01:06 Lead Conversion

Alright, so the first bullet point that I’m going to go over, because again within the audio I’m not going to over everything — better lead conversion. This portion here is beneficial in terms of comparing to general searches. So local searches have a better lead conversion record. It is estimated that nearly half of the people who run a local search on their phones visit the searched business the same day. 

Statistically, reports also suggest that about 18 percent of local searches on the phone convert into a purchase decision within a single day. So, of course, this is just common sense. You have a local construction business, or let’s not look at construction for a second, you’re just going to, say you need to buy alcohol or something, right, so you go online, you look at the nearest place to you, so of course there is a good chance you going to show up to that store or contact them first to find out if they have it and then go right into going to the store. As opposed to a general search, you look it up I’m looking for alcohol, but you haven’t put you know “alcohol near me” or “alcohol in Brooklyn”, you just typed in alcohol. Google is going to shoot back majority of the spots that are close to you, but again, they usually ask you first, can you turn on the location so that we can find the spots closest to you rather than just general locations that have what you searched for, which is alcohol. So, local search terms, those are how Google steps in by asking you to turn on the location so that they could find places close to you. So you as running the marketing section of a construction business or a construction owner running the marketing section to get leads, these are the steps that you have to keep in mind once you’re looking for local search terms to target. 

3:12 Accessibility to Relevant Information

All right, next up is: client’s accessibility to useful information. Okay, so within this portion here, basically a good strategy would have to be creating a Google My Business, filling out the necessary fields mentioned above, because it’s pretty much self-explanatory, they give you all the stuff there and then of course keeping things very simple, so publish and then you’re going to wait for the verification of your local shop. Once you get it, then you pretty much go ahead and this is where the next bullet point I’m going to talk about comes in handy. So, before we jump into that bullet point, it’s Google My Business. You just type it in on Google. Once you type it in, it’ll pretty much just bring up to log in, check log in with your Gmail, and then you would be set up to start doing a Google My Business. So within the post itself, there is also a post that shows on the right hand side, then again construction, so that’s how a Google My Business listing will be shown up, okay

04:21 Relevance

So, the next bullet point would be: relevance. Here, within relevance, as with any search engine optimization practice, search engines look at how relevant a page is to the keyword that users type in. So right after I read that, it’s again pretty much self-explanatory to explain this to you as the business owner of a construction business or someone that works within the marketing department of a construction business. So, what I mean by relevance is basically what your business is servicing, what you’re offering is where you want to make sure that Google understands that. So as we talked about general in local search terms, it goes right into this question because now you kind of have to get a little bit more specific and just have a general idea of how you want to be perceived online. Obviously, you would want what you do offline to be shown online. So keep it simple, use the same idea of what you’re servicing or if you’re doing a whole bunch of stuff, just focusing on what brings in the most money. So you can start there or if you want to push what doesn’t bring in the most money, you can start your search term there. So for instance, a website optimized for home construction will appear first on pertaining keyword searches in comparison to a website optimized for other leading keywords such as construction services, affordable construction services, etc. So basically, it just depends on what it is that you’re offering. So to become relevant, begin working on a content calendar based on your expertise or on changing trends within the field. So you’re not only going to create content, you’re also going to create content on changing trends. So, you’re going to position yourself as an authority within new things that are coming up, new things that are happening within the construction industry, and how it can benefit or make things worse for you. My other local construction companies, you get on the scene so that kind of general way of going about looking for the right search terms or positioning your business in terms of relevance is where you wanna go, because once you start doing the content calendar, this is how you show your expertise, not just in the main field or the main point that you’re trying to push, or again the main item or service you’re trying to push, but also, look, I could I sell other stuff as well. So here’s the knowledge I know about these as well, so that’s what I mean.

The next thing would be: how to leverage or implement local SEO for building and construction. So this portion within the article, it goes even deeper into other ways how you can go ahead and make sure that you keep yourself relevant, the set up is quick and you know what you’re focusing on so that once Google sees it, they also will know what you’re focusing on and you just keep churning out content from there. And again it doesn’t have to be articles, it could be videos, it could be your guys doing a quick work, you’re pretty much looking creative in any kind of way, but it has to be engaging for people to want to stick around and watch, not just focusing on people that are within the industry and are interested in getting, you know new information, but just a regular Joe Schmo like me. I’m not in the construction industry but if I’m looking for a guy to do a specific thing or woman to do a specific job, I am looking for them to be able to tell me a little bit about what it is that they’re about to do. That way I at least have some confidence that, okay, you at least know your field. Okay.

08:41 Local Keyword Selection

Alright, so the next portion within how to leverage implementing local SEO for building and construction would have to be: local keyword selection. So, any specific SEO campaign begins with shortlisting the right keywords, so when competing with other local building and local construction companies, it is important to list down the right keywords that showcase the services offered by your company. So the first thing you may want to do is use free keyword search tools, Google Search, Google keyword planner, there’s a whole bunch of other keyword planner tools as well as SEM Rush, just those 3 alone are different keywords search tools. The last two, Google keyword planner and SEM Rush, give you step by step assistance so you can quickly understand what’s going on and then they go deeper into giving you more information in terms of, you know, in-depth metrics, marked where a keyword didn’t do well, or a competitor can beat you out for this.

So go to the suggestion section and check what questions are being asked around your topic. These questions and statements are geared towards keywords that will be beneficial. So for instance, Google search, this is where you’re using this suggestion. So you’ll go on Google, you’ll type in what you sell, for instance, and just scroll down and look at what the competitors are sharing. Also, mainly look at the suggestions, what are people asking and what topics are being discussed. So within that suggestion section, you’ll be able to see topics that you can focus in and gather up the right type of keywords, especially if it’s around you know, relevancy in terms of what it is that you’re trying to push first and foremost on this side, as opposed to just the service that you’re trying to push. 

On the other hand, research intent keywords are those which demonstrate that the person is interested but not ready to hire someone right away. So these keywords can be high on CPC or basically cost per click. So this can be fine when you are on Google keyword search tool, you will see the exact acronym CPC. Under that that you’ll see the cost people are willing to pay to be seen for those keywords. So this is the perfect way to know the true intent of the keyword. Try to avoid going overboard with the use of keywords. In fact, crawler bots have become smart enough to detect US stuff, so just be careful when you’re adding keywords. Just add it once within the title, add it once within your first header tag or just the headline. Add it once somewhere within the article and then another time at the bottom. So maybe like 3-4 times you’ll be adding the keyword within the page, so keeping away from it being too stuffy.

12:04 Ask for Online Reviews

Next up would be: rack up online reviews. We all know online reviews are very, very, important, so the more of these you can get, the more candid your business looks. The transparency shows, okay, look we are actually good at what we do because there’s tons of people coming to us. So the best way to get reviews: you could go ahead and ask your current customers, you could go ahead and once you have like a small space online starting to go ahead, you could ask those people as well. So right now, seeing you don’t have any start yet, global outreach is the best bet.  Have your staff members leave a review and let them be unbiased, so literally almost like they’re coming from the standpoint of someone not working there, and if they were to shop there, what would their experience be based on, well you know, what they’ve seen customers deal with, stuff like that, so they could come off from that standpoint. Yes, those are just some quick ways how you can get people to quickly start to leave reviews. Of course, there’s some online and those tips again will be shared within the blog post itself, so be sure to check it out.

All right, so in conclusion, ask satisfied customers to write reviews, look at the relevancy of the keywords, focus on what your main focus is, or if you don’t currently have a main focus for your store, you can just start to jot down where the biggest sales come from – is it during a certain month, is it a certain product, does time frame matter – all that type of stuff – and then once you jot those down, you start to get your relevancy going. Then you’ll be able to generate the keywords you’re looking for and then from there, you’ll be able to start generating some type of leads from your online business while you’re focusing on what’s important. So no matter how strong an in-bound marketing campaign may be or how user-friendly a construction website may be, local SEO strategies, if implemented in the correct manner can help broaden the target audience group. 

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