Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, MedResponsive has vast experience in providing SEO services for diverse industries – Ecommerce, Education, IT, Healthcare, Finance, Law and more. Our digital marketing agency follows SEO best practices to help our client businesses rank high in organic search results.

In today’s podcast, Dame Colquhoun, our Solutions Manager/ SEO Strategist, discusses key strategies to optimize title tags and improve user experience across your site before Christmas.

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Hello –
This is Monica Thomas the Search Marketing/SEO manager for

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00:05 Importance of having a better title tag

Looking for ways to rank high on search engines and increase organic click-through rate of your webpage before this Christmas? Try optimizing your title tag. Having the right title can sometimes separate you from your competitors that get tons of traffic to their site. So, what are some ways to enhance your clicks just from a catchy title tag? Let’s look into that right now.

00:29 Use brackets in your titles

First off, brackets in new titles – It helps to break up your title tag, improve readability, and will give you a drastic increase in post views. Here’s some food for thought. According to a study by HubSpot, headlines with bracketed clarifications, examples, photos, the word photo in bracketed, the word interview in bracketed, the word video in bracketed, slideshow, etc., all of these types of bracketed words perform 38% better than headlines without clarifications. There’s a small gift list waiting for you on the blog pertaining to this subject. Hope you’ll like it.

01:15 Use crisp and concise titles

Okay, now let’s jump into using crisp and concise titles. Ever heard of less is more? This strategy focuses on making sure the reader understands, in the most simplistic way, what the content will be all about. This can be difficult, but title tag max characters should help you and stick in within parameters.

01:39 Use keywords at the beginning of title tags

Using your keywords at the beginning of the title tags – Adding your keywords at the beginning of title tags helps Google understand quickly what your topic will cover as well as helps users get a quick insight without even finishing the title. Also, it helps you out with competitors as well. Sometimes, people stay away from seeming as though they’re keyword stuffing. Other times, it is as simple as the keyword not being able to make the headline sound enticing enough to get a click.

There’s a lot more insight into all that was mentioned here today via the blog content for this podcast online. Stay tuned.

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